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Two months later

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of family and friends to celebrate the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. There is no vow more solemn than what these two are about to make. There is no institution more sacred than the one you are about to form."

"Will you take this woman, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone, to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, through sickness and health?" The priest continued.

"I do," Mr. Greggs replied softly, his black tux finally fitting him well, his pants perfectly hemmed, his shirt perfectly tucked. He looked immaculate.

"And will you take this man, whose hands you hold, choosing him alone, to be your wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, through good times and bad, through sickness and health?" The priest questioned.

"I do," Ms. Smith responded. Her flowing A-line, white dress that she had dragged me to store after store to help her choose looked beyond flattering on her. Her hair was splayed across her shoulders and down her back, a change from the high bun I was accustomed to.

"Then, with the power vested in-"

"-I have to pee!" Daniel exclaimed loudly from the front row.

I nudged his side, "Daniel," I hissed, "kind of in the middle of something," I chuckled nervously as I surveyed the room full of people now staring at us.

"No, I have to pee," Daniel insisted, just as loudly.

"You have to pee," Lucas stated in monotone, leaning forward to look at his brother from next to me, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"I have to pee!" Daniel replied gleefully.

"You have to pee!" I shouted, standing up and jumping up and down on one leg, my crutches scraping across the floor indelicately

"He has to pee!" Lucas shouted excitedly, standing up as well.

There the three of us stood, looking ridiculously giddy in the middle of a church, interrupting a wedding procession.

"Er, this is great," Mr. Greggs spoke loudly, "There's a restroom in the back. Go nuts. Can we continue?"

"Yes, sorry, Mr. Greggs," I replied quietly inching back down in my seat, my cheeks ablaze.

For someone who needed a catheter used because there was no feeling from the waist down, this was a monumental moment.

This meant that Daniel was getting feeling back into his legs. This meant that he was perhaps recovering enough to walk one day.

Lucas and I turned to look at each other, our grins so wide I thought our cheeks would split.

"No, seriously, I need to go to the back, guys." Daniel whispered urgently.

"Oh! Sorry," I responded as the three of us tried to quietly manoeuvre our way into the back of the church. With one wheelchair and one person in crutches, this was not the easiest task.

"Sorry!" I whispered to the couple now watching us, "Please, continue!"

Lucas helped Daniel into the men's washroom before walking back out and waiting with me in the hallway, a smile plastered across his face.

"I'm starting to think you're always right," Lucas laughed as he reached for my arms and tugged me into his embrace. He removed my crutch, leaning it against the wall and held my weight in his strong arms. It was one of the perks of having an ex MMA fighter as a boyfriend.

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