Chapter Forty Five - Futures and Preparations

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The past few weeks had felt like we were on such high alert that I hadn't been able to put my guard down. I found myself spending my free time with Daniel and Lucas just to make sure they were safe so I could relax.

I was lying down in Lucas's bedroom with my head on his lap as he sat with his back rested against the headboard. His fingers weaved their way through my hair and my eyes were closing slowly at the pleasant feeling that fluttered down my spine as a result. Daniel was in his room as he had taken to falling asleep while talking to Rebecca on the phone most nights.

"You know I get a pretty hefty prize if I win first place tomorrow," Lucas mused.

"When you win," I corrected, "And that's amazing. You deserve it."

"Maybe we should plan a vacation."

"Mmm," Was the only sound I could let out as Lucas's fingers brushed against my neck. "I'll have to give notice before I set off on a vacation."

"Details," Lucas dismissed with a wave of his hand.

"Are you going to use the money for Daniel's medical bills?" Lucas's gaze met mine and I realized he had never told me about his financial struggles. "Sorry, Daniel let me know."

"It's fine," he smiled, "Honestly, a lot of Daniel's bills have been paid off because of my underground fights. This will be enough to settle the final amount and have left to spare."

I didn't ask how much Daniel's bill was because if I had learned anything from working in a hospital for several months, it was that these bills were insane and many doctors pushed for unnecessary tests to wrack a higher amount for the patient. After letting a patient know privately that I didn't think the test was necessary, I was warned to back off from giving patients - even financially struggling ones - my medical opinion and that's when I quit.

I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel's medical bills were higher than 500,000. So I was aware of the financial burden that was on Lucas's shoulders, which is why I made sure not to say much about his underground fighting. He was struggling to stay afloat.

"Though I do wonder what else Daniel has told you about me," he frowned.

I laughed, "Only good things, I promise. And maybe a little bit of your checkered past with questionable bed partners," I teased.

"Oh God," Lucas groaned. I looked up and chuckled as Lucas used his thumb to scratch his jaw in embarrassment. His ears were slowly turning red. As he turned to look at me, his face was rife with embarrassment. "I swear I'm not that kind of guy."

I smiled up at him, "Lucas, it's fine. We all have our pasts."

"But it's important to me that you know I'm not that guy, Emily." He looked at me with such an earnest expression that I had to get up onto my elbows and place a light kiss on his lips.

"I know. You don't need to remind me that you're a good man, Lucas. I see it everyday."

His large hand rested at the back of my head, holding me close to his face as he peppered small kisses along my face, "Never as good as you," he murmured.

"What do you think you'll do after you win?" I asked as I lay back on his lap and stared into his mesmerizing eyes.

He cocked his head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you going to keep fighting? What do you do after you win middleweight champion of the world?"

"I guess some people keep fighting and others retire. I'm not sure what I'd like to do. I know I'm tired of fighting though," he admitted.

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