Bonus Chapter 1

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This chapter takes place towards the end of chapter forty four before Lucas's final fight!

Daniel and I sat in his living room, Daniel's snacks sorted by level of love. Sour patch kids, for instance, were the closest to him, but twizzlers sat at the far end of the table.

It's a science, he explained when I shot him a strange look. Daniel took his snacks very seriously.

I twiddled with my angel wings necklace as I always did when feeling nervous. I hated not being at these fights. But I knew Daniel hated it even more because of how little he ate.

Any other day, this table of snacks would have been massacred, but today, there were only a few sour patch kids missing.

I placed my hand on his arm gently, "It's for the best that we let him focus on these next couple fights."

He nodded, "I know. But the camera misses me, Em."

I laughed, "There's no way it couldn't."

He beamed at me as the doorknob jiggled and I've never seen him fly so fast towards the three men that entered. Well sheesh. Was I that bad company?

"Hey guys! Kyle, remember when you used to hit on Emily? Pretty awkward now, eh?" He chortled loudly.

All three men groaned and I heard a smack followed by an ouch before Daniel wheeled himself back into the living room, looking rather pleased with himself, grinning from ear to ear.

Lucas, Miguel, and Kyle followed the teenager as they all plopped on the couches near Daniel's chair.

"Ooh snacks!" Kyle cheered, popping sour patch kids into his mouth while Daniel glared at him. No one touched his sour patches.

Miguel put the TV on and the three of them bickered about who got to choose the movie.

Lucas sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap, pressing his face into my hair, "Missed you," he murmured. He wrapped his large arms around me and held me so close that I could hear his forever steady heartbeat.

"Help stitch me up?" He asked quietly and my gaze fell on a gash that ran down his muscular arm.

I jumped up, having completely forgotten about his injuries from his fight, "You should have said something!" I held my hand out for him to help him off the couch. 

"I wanted to hold you first," He answered simply as he accepted my hand but placed no weight on it as he lifted his body.

"Ugh. Get a room guys," Daniel booed as Miguel threw a sour patch kid at him. "Hey!" He protested. "I'm the heart of this group. You can't throw candy at the heart of the group."

Lucas tugged me into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

He turned around quickly and caught my face between his hands as he leaned down and pressed his lips sensuously against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, loving the feel of him encircled around me. I felt loved. I felt safe.

His lips moved skillfully from mine and down my neck, swirling his tongue across a sensitive spot around the hollow of my throat. A quiet moan flew out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Lucas's arms travelled down my back as they rested on my behind, his arms keeping me snug against him as his tongue worked magic.

"What about your arm?" I asked as I gasped for breath.

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