Chapter Twenty Two - Second Chances and Lessons

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"No offence, Em. But, I'm definitely not in the mood to go back to the gym." Daniel gave me a sideways glance as he gamed on his PlayStation.

"Come on, Daniel!" I exclaimed, almost tempted to start an encouraging cheer for him. The only thing stopping me at this point was my god awful voice.

"Are you nuts?" He mumbled while using a sniper to shoot down an opponent.

"I think it would be a good idea to try one more time. You never know, it might be great!"

"And it might be a shit show like last time. My arms are still sore!" He whined before getting ambushed by a fleet and dying. He groaned in annoyance, throwing a begrudging look at me.

"So you already have low expectations. What else could go wrong?"

"Um, a lot." He said drily. His eyes narrowed at me challengingly, "or maybe I could get something out of this."

"What do you want?" I trailed suspiciously.

"I do remember someone mentioning something about learning with me."

I sighed, "Fine. One class. I don't have the stamina or determination to do more than that."

"Okay!" He chirped, wheeling to the door.

"You could be an evil mastermind, you know," I stated frowning at him.

He cackled, "I know."

By the time we got to the gym, Daniel was completely rethinking the entire thing. "Maybe we should get some burgers! You up for a Busty Burger?" He asked desperately.

"Come on," I encouraged, opening the door as we entered the building.

I noticed Lucas as soon as we entered, shirtless and in a pair of black shorts. His hair was sweaty and dangling over his forehead. His hands were in boxing gloves as he pounded into a punching bag. His body looked so skilled as he made punch after punch, his frame chiseled to an extent that I didn't think was possible. I ogled the tattoos running down his back for a moment. His blue eyes darted to mine as soon as the door chimed and a smile spread across his face. He grabbed a towel from a bench nearby and wiped his forehead before walking towards us.

"Hey," he greeted smiling at me before looking down at Daniel. "Thanks for coming, Danny."

Daniel huffed, "It's not like I have much of a choice when I'm around such a cheerleader of a caretaker."

"I take offence to that," I responded as Lucas's eyes flickered to mine softly. I looked away quickly.

"Let's get this over with," Daniel sighed as he wheeled into the gym, over to where the equipment stood. "Suit up, Em." Daniel reminded. I waved him off and he shot me a glare.

"If I'm going down, you're coming down with me." Daniel stated nonchalantly throwing me a pair of boxing gloves.

I caught the gloves halfheartedly, clutching them to my chest.

"Actually, I realized that I'm not the most qualified to train you. Listen, I really am sorry for what a dick I was. You can do whatever you set your mind on doing, Danny. I believe in you." Lucas gestured behind Daniel. "So, I brought in someone who might be able to help."

We turned around and saw a man that was incredibly large built, his black hair tied at the back, his dark skin glistening with sweat. He wheeled towards us with a vibrant smile on his face. He was built and I couldn't help noticing his large stature, though he was sitting.

"Hi, Daniel. I'm Michael, reigning champion of WBC three years in a row." He smiled at him.

Daniel gaped at the clearly hulking figure next to him, "The what?"

"Wheelchair boxing competition," Michael grinned.

"Wow," Daniel stated but I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know the competition existed or at that fact that Michael had won it three times.

"I'll show you the ropes," he told him wheeling to get himself some punching mitts before discussing proper form in a wheelchair.

I looked Lucas to see him staring at the pair, "This was really nice."

He turned to look at me, his blue eyes burning with unsaid words. There was a flicker of uncertainty in his expression. He turned away and scratched the back of his head, "It's the least I could do." He looked down at my hands, still clutching the boxing gloves, "Are you practicing?" He asked with amusement.

I looked down at the gloves, "Oh, no. I mean, I told Daniel I would so he'd come here. But I have no intention of showing you my total lack of skill."

Lucas grinned at me lopsidedly, the very image sending my heart beating into a frenzy. "I thought you did yoga once a week?"

I was surprised he remembered that. "It's less doing yoga and more making fun of the instructor for an hour," I admitted to him. "Besides, this is all on another level."

"I can show you some moves," Lucas suggested with a glint in his eyes. I was suddenly very aware that he was shirtless. My fingers ached to run along the planes of his chest and I clasped them into a fist to gain control of myself.

Lucas stretched out his hands and grabbed my boxing gloves from me.  He took my hand into his and raised it forward while my eyes shot to his. His gaze was trained on my fingers as he slid the glove onto my hand, repeating the movement with the other. My cheeks flushed and my heart beat so loudly I was sure he could hear it.

He walked to the bench and grabbed a white t-shirt that lay strewn across it, pulling it over his head. His muscles stretched along as he tugged it down his etched abs. My eyes trailed the movement before my gaze fell back to his face.

His blue eyes flashed up to mine and he grinned at me lazily, "Ready?" He asked as he grabbed a pair of punching mitts for himself.

I gulped loudly, suddenly beyond nervous. All I could do was let out a small nod. He raised his padded hands and waited for me to punch.

I lifted a fist halfheartedly and tapped the padding before Lucas gave me a dry look, "The rubbing alcohol from yesterday packed more of a punch than that."

I smiled, "I was annoyed at you then."

"What can I say to annoy you again?" He teased, his gaze remaining steadily on my face.

I lifted my fists again and this time propelled them forward, "That's great," he encouraged, smiling at me.

I kept punching the mitts feeling a strange sense of catharsis as I did so. After a few minutes I lowered my arms, my breathing a little out of place. My hair had come out of the elastic and now trailed along my face messily. 

Lucas removed his pads and tossed them on the floor before clasping my hands and taking the gloves off for me. I stared into his impossibly blue eyes as his gaze connected with mine. He lifted his hand slowly and brushed a strand of hair on my face, tucking it behind my ear. It sent tingles along my spine.

His calloused fingers remained at the side of my face and his eyes trailed to my lips before darting back to my eyes. I couldn't move a muscle. I was mesmerized until the sound of boxing brought me back to reality and I jumped away from Lucas, stumbling as I did so. His muscular arm reached out for my waist, tugging me back up gently, his hand lingering there. I recoiled away before I did something that I'd regret, standing there awkwardly tucking my hair behind my ears and avoiding eye contact.

I looked to Daniel to see him laughing with Michael as he showed him a chokehold.

When I looked back to where Lucas stood, he was already walking away from me and to his office.

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