Chapter Thirty Two - Twinkle Lights and Beach Walks

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Lucas pulled into what looked like a pier after a few minutes. It had string lights all around and a small restaurant that sat at the shore, it too illuminated by twinkle lights. Spanish music was playing loudly as people ate and danced.

"This looks so cute!" I gushed as I took in the scene.

Lucas grinned, walking out to open the door for me. My eyes were glued on the picturesque scene before me in awe. It looked magical. "How did you find this place?"

He clasped my hand within his, causing nerves to flutter through my system as we walked towards the restaurant. "I was forced to third wheel one of Miguel and Maria's dates. It was excruciating at the time, but I thought to myself if I ever found someone I cared about, I'd bring her here."

I felt a blush creep over my cheeks as we entered the restaurant. At this point, I was going to be flushed all night.

A chipper waiter greeted us, "Good evening! Table for two?" He asked as he pulled out two menus. Lucas nodded and the waiter led us into the restaurant, Lucas tugging me next to him as we followed along.

The waiter placed our menus down and pulled my chair out for me as I tried to sit as gracefully as possible. I took in the atmosphere around me with the loud music and boisterous bodies moving about. Lucas almost seemed out of place here. Like he was too serious to ever enjoy something as simple as dinner and dancing.

"So have you come here since?" I pried, trying not to sound too interesting.

An amused smile splayed on Lucas's face, "No, Emily. You're the first person I've come here with actually." He handed a menu to me before opening his up and we ended up getting an entire platter of tacos, taquitos, guacamole, and dip. "Did you survive without killing Daniel today or am I going back home to a body?" Lucas asked as he filled a taco.

I laughed munching on the guacamole and chips, "Your brother is the most intense person I've ever met."

"I know," Lucas hesitated, "He gets it from our mom. Extremely passionate about who or what he loves and extremely displeased with what he doesn't."

My eyebrows rose. Neither of the brothers had ever mentioned their mom and I assumed she wasn't in the picture. Perhaps she was more involved than I had originally thought. "Where is your mom now?"

Lucas's eyes darted to mine quickly, "She left us after Daniel's accident a year ago. Daniel called me the day she left in tears. I wasn't living at home then. So we found a doctor to take on his new condition, found a condo that was wheelchair accessible and we've been that way until you came along. She wrote a letter a few months ago. I have no idea where she is now."

"I'm so sorry, Lucas. Why did she leave?" I couldn't imagine a mother leaving their child, especially in their time of need. Daniel would have only been thirteen years old, just finding out that he was paralyzed from the waist down. I couldn't imagine how difficult that would have been for him and for Lucas.

"She had already checked out when my dad died. She started drinking to cope with things. She wasn't," he looked away, unsure of what to say for a moment, "she wasn't the best to us. She had extreme mood swings - sometimes happier and more loving than anyone could ever be and sometimes more depressed than I'd ever seen anyone. I guess Daniel's accident was the straw that broke the camel's back."

"That's... so much. It's too much." I wanted to take all the struggles he'd been through away. I wanted him to know I was here for him, as more than someone who just worked for Daniel. I was someone he could count on when everything felt too much to bear. Instead, I reached my hand across the table to grasp his, trying to communicate that through the gentle squeeze of my fingers.

"I used to feel that way," he looked at me in surprise, "I shut Daniel out for a while. It was too hard to deal with, but that load's been feeling more manageable now." Lucas intertwined our fingers on the table.

"Is that when you refused to hire me? Or when you fired me?" I teased to lighten the mood.

He chuckled, using his thumb to draw patterns on my hand, "I really didn't want to hire you." He admitted sheepishly.

I slapped his arm playfully, "Hey! I'm a great nurse."

"Oh, you're great at what you do. No one can deny that. I just knew you were too beautiful for me to see hanging around my house everyday. When I began to see your kindness and compassion behind your beauty, I knew I was in trouble." He paused, contemplating for a moment, "But, I think you balance me out."

I snorted, "I don't know what you think about yourself, but you're the kindest, most thoughtful person I've ever met, Lucas."

He smiled tentatively as though he just didn't want to argue with me. If he could only see himself the way that Daniel saw him. The way that I was beginning to see him.

"I'm glad you're around," Lucas clarified.

I grinned at him, "You are?" I wasn't one to let a compliment slip by so quickly so I'd take it and relish in it.

"Of course," he laughed, "You've made us feel like we're a family again, rather than just hanging on by a thread."

I didn't reply because really what could I say? The household that I saw wasn't dysfunctional in the least, but I knew Lucas had been through a lot trying to keep himself and Daniel afloat.

We finished our tacos before leaving the restaurant, walking along the beach. There was something so magical about this place. We found a spot on the sand and sat down. Lucas placed his large arm around me and drew me in closer as I rested my head on his side. "How have I been doing so far?" He asked adorably avoiding eye contact with me.

I moved slightly so I could pull his face closer to mine. My hand rested on his cheek tenderly avoiding the whisper of the bruise that rested there. His eyes pierced mine before I leaned in to place my lips on his. He used his arm to clutch me as close to him as he could, his other hand tangling in my hair. His lips moved expertly against my own as his tongue darted past my lips causing me to gasp at the contact. He pulled back after a moment, both of our chests heaving from the lack of oxygen, but desperately wanting more. He peppered kisses along my forehead, my cheeks, my chin, before resting his forehead against mine. His eyes were closed but I took a moment to stare, mesmerized by his perfect features.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight. And don't doubt yourself. You couldn't do this wrong if you tried." I placed a quick kiss on his plush lips.

His eyes opened as he took me in, "I'm worried I'll screw it up and we'll lose you," he confessed, his hand caressing my cheek softly.

I leaned into his hand, as he smiled at me affectionately. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm under contract. Besides, I'm too smitten with you to let you screw it up." Lucas looked at me with wonder, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight, "What?" I laughed.

Lucas shook his head, "I hope your opinion of me never changes is all."

"And I hope you can see yourself the way I see you."

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