Chapter Sixteen - Professional Fights and Glaring Lights

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As soon as the guys walked out, Daniel rushed me, "Let's get to our seats!" He led me out of the door and into the stadium. We walked through a wheelchair accessible entry and around the ring to the front of the arena. I looked around to see the crowd filling in rapidly. I took my seat at the end of a the first row while Daniel placed his wheelchair in the space next to me.

The lights were glaring on top of us as music blasted and I could feel my nerves taking control. I turned to Daniel, "Who's Kyle?" I asked curiously.

"Kyle's an old family friend. Lucas and him go way back but he's kind of a fu-" He paused glancing at me, "party boy," he corrected himself. "He comes to all his fights."

I nodded, "What does he do?"

"He's an accountant," Daniel laughed.

The music lowered and the lights switched to multicolored and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. This was it.

"Easily the most anticipated UFC match to begin our middleweight championship, folks," The speaker blared as two commentators sat near us speaking into microphones. "We have Lucas Miller who's compiled a remarkable achievement of thirty seven wins with zero losses. That's zero, people. This is a man that knows how to fight and uses his strengths to his advantage. But his opponent knows something about achievement as well, Mark."

"That's right, Dan. Sydney 'The Beast' Wilson enters the ring at twenty seven wins and one loss. If there's one thing The Beast knows how to use, it's his hands. If he gets you into his grip, you're a goner." Mark commented.

The lights flicked to an entrance on the right and I saw a tall, broad man step out. He had a robe with the hood up on his head and a pair of shorts on as he walked out with his arms raised in the air. He stopped in the middle of the entryway and began to do a little dance. The crowd went wild. He flashed a grin to the crowd as he leaped into the ring, circling it and dancing some more.

"Coming out now is The Beast, Sydney Wilson. He's twenty six years old, weighing one hundred and eighty three pounds and coming in at six-two. He's the definition of calm and collected. He's sure of himself, Mark." Dan commented.

"He sure is, Dan. I hope this confidence carries through in the ring."

The lights flickered to the opposite side of the ring as I caught a glimpse of Lucas emerging. He was accompanied by Miguel who flanked at his right and another large man with a short blonde buzz cut who flanked at his left. I assumed that was Kyle.

"Here comes Lucas Miller. Twenty seven years old, weighing one hundred and eighty pounds and coming in at six-three. He's expressionless, Mark. It's hard to tell what he's thinking, but he's focused that's for sure."

Lucas's eyes remained focused on the ring. His steps didn't falter once as he made it to the cage, his expression remaining impassive. He turned around and clapped hands with Miguel, pulling him in for a one handed hug before doing the same with Kyle. They remained at the side of the ring, closest to Lucas.

Daniel and I whooped and clapped loudly just as Lucas looked over and smiled in our direction. He turned to face Sydney as he rolled his neck from side to side and jumped lightly on his feet, shaking his hands out.

An announcer joined them on the stage with a microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, this fight is three rounds in the UFC middleweight division. Introducing first, fighting in the blue corner, Lucas Miller!" The crowd cheered loudly and Daniel and I screamed at the top of our lungs and pounded. "And now, introducing his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, Sydney The Beast Miller!"

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