Chapter Thirty Three - Christmas Gifts and Family Reunions

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I clutched my cup of coffee tightly in my hands while Lucas and Daniel drove me to my train stop. Daniel sat in the back with his arms crossed across his chest, an annoyed look on his face, which was surprising since he had asked to come with us when Lucas offered to drive me to my stop.

Daniel sighed loudly for the umpteenth time. "I just don't get it. Why do you have to leave for Christmas?" He whined.

I saw Lucas's lips raise the smallest degree at Daniel's complaints. I turned around to look at Daniel, "I can't get out of Christmas with my dad, but I promise to spend New Years with you guys."

"Humph," Daniel protested, looking out the window.

Lucas pulled up at my train stop and parked the car. "Thanks for driving me," I smiled at him. I opened my door and walked around to the trunk waiting for Lucas to unlock it.

To my surprise he stepped out of the car as well and lugged my bag out of the trunk for me as though it weighed nothing. I had seriously overpacked for this trip since one never really knew what to expect with my aunts Greta and Betty. I had gone to visit my dad last year for Christmas where they had dragged me out of bed at two in the morning to take me to a concert.

I reached for my bag, but Lucas held onto the handles, "I'll walk you over," he stated softly.

I nodded gratefully, moving to the side of the car to talk to Daniel. He opened the window for me and I leaned against the door frame, "I'll see you in two days?"

"If I'm still alive," he stated dramatically. "Seriously, is no one worried that my well-being is in the hands of Kyle?"

I laughed, "You'll be fine. Don't forget to remind Lucas to give you your gift tomorrow."

He perked up immediately, "You got me a gift?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course. It's Christmas."

"In that case, I got you something too." He shuffled in the seat next to him before pulling out a small box that was clearly wrapped by him and messily tied with ribbons.

"Aww, Daniel! That's so sweet." I clutched the box delicately in my hands, touched that he would think of me.

"I know. Are you reconsidering going now?"

"Sorry," I chuckled. "I'll see you in two days, I promise."

"Fine," he huffed, "Have a safe trip."

I waved at him and walked towards Lucas who was still waiting, my bag in his hands. I could hear Daniel shout out "I guess I'll just wait in here then?" Lucas ignored him and walked me to my train stop.

I reached for my bag, but Lucas held onto it, looking behind him for a moment before turning back to face me, his free arm pulling me close to his body and wrapping around my waist. I looked behind him quickly to make sure Daniel wasn't in eyeshot.

"I'm going to miss you more than Daniel," He spoke huskily.

I grinned up at him, his height so contrasting from this angle, my head barely reaching his chest. "I'll miss you, too," I admitted.

"Be safe, please," Lucas's eyes showed his worry. "Call me when you get there?"

I nodded at him, "I'll be fine."

He looked behind him again to make sure no one could see before leaning down and placing his lips against mine gently but passionately. I returned the emotion I received fervently. I really was going to miss him more than I assumed I would. He broke apart after a moment, "When you get back, we have to tell people. I'm sick of not kissing you when I want to."

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