Chapter 3

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You duck under a hammock, trying to keep up with Vicrul. Below deck is a mess of ropes and boxes, with the hammocks hanging for the crew to sleep.

He leads you down another stairway. "Right here is the food supply, don't hesitate to grab anything if you're hungry," he says. You can see lots of bread, dried meats, and fruit all gathered in barrels and packed into a corner. As well as many cases of rum in dark brown bottles.

When Vicrul managed to snap you out of whatever daze you were in after that man tried to take your necklace, he took you on a tour of the ship. After a few minutes of walking around the deck, he had you watch him help the crew lift anchor and set sail. He'd told you the ship was a galleon. Good for holding cargo and even for its size, has great speed. The crew is about 100 men. They are only ever on the ship for a few months before being dropped off at a port.

"You go up that ladder, you'll get to the cannons." He points to a stairway on the right-hand side of where you're walking. "Above that is the cabins and then the deck."

He stops walking and turns to you. "You don't have to worry about that man, you know. Kicked him off the ship. He signed the articles when he boarded. Should have known better than to assault one of his fellow crew."

At his words, you look up at him. "He attacked a crew member too?"

"Yes," he chuckles, "you, welcome aboard."

You smile a little. He's been welcoming and you're glad to have a friend on board. The Captain hasn't appeared since he left you in his quarters. You're both nervous and excited to interact with him again. The most handsome man you've ever seen and he intimidates the hell out of you.

"Alright, let me show you where you'll be sleeping." Both of you walk up to the deck. The coastline is in the distance now. Blue sea surrounds the other sides of the ship, the morning air still cool and crisp. The wind is whipping at your cheeks. He's leading you into the hatch you went in to meet Captain Ren. As you go in, he walks you to the end of the passageway and turns right. To the door next to the Captains. You pause.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"He wants you close," he says, pushing open the door. It's one room, the bed against the right wall. Stepping inside, you can see out the port to the ocean straight ahead. A moderate vanity, with a mirror above it, is to the left of you.

Vicrul steps in with you. "Got that in France," he says, pointing to the vanity. "Figured it was fit for a lady, right?"

Your bag is sitting on the bed, its dirty cloth contrasting with the white sheets. "Thank you," you say, hesitantly. "I didn't expect all this."

"Ren's orders." He smiles. "I'll leave you to get settled. Tomorrow we'll be in Ireland, stopping to let off some men." You make a noise of agreement and he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

You immediately turn and flop down on the bed. It's been so long since you slept on something so soft and you're excited just to sleep. Laying on your back, you stare up at the wooden ceiling. It still doesn't feel real. You remind yourself that even when you were little you wanted to explore. It makes sense that you would grab at the opportunity to travel. The large grounds surrounding your family's estate became a land full of dragons and fairies when you would wander outside. Your mother would have to drag you inside from playing and pretending, reprimanding you for staying outside after dark. 'That's when the monsters come out, dear,' she would say. You drift off to sleep, thinking of home.


Kylo turns over another map. He's in his study. Still not finding what he's looking for, he reaches for another scroll. He unfurls it and spreads it out on the table.

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