Chapter 10

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The door creaks open, leaving you with a view of the empty deck. It's a clear night. Moonlight streaks across the ship, making the shadows look spookier than usual. The ship hits a particularly powerful wave and the shadows shift. You shudder when you catch sight of one extending towards you. A pile of rope suddenly becomes a hand outstretched across the deck and you look away.

When you step out, the cool night air shocks your system. You shiver, wrapping your hands around yourself. The pants and shirt are made of loose fabric, not providing warmth against the wind. Having decided you were waiting too long for Kylo, you got dressed and are going to investigate.

Taking a right, you come to face the steps leading to the upper deck. Looking up, Ap'lek is at the helm, the axe strapped to his back revealing the silhouette's identity before you make it up the steps. Ap'lek doesn't have a chance to say anything before you're passing him and walking towards Kylo.

He's not facing you, looking out to sea. It's not clear to you what he's so focused on, the backdrop just looks like one mess of black and blue. Even his coat blends in with the surroundings.

Kylo hears your light footsteps and turns his head slightly. You come up to his side and place both hands on the edge, squinting your eyes as if that will help you see.

You're reminded again of his colossal proportions when you settle beside him. Half of your field of vision just consists of a pirate whose attention is now solely focused on you.

"This isn't my bedroom," he says, turning his body so he's facing you while leaning on his right elbow.

You look up to him, subtly trying to flutter your eyelashes. It doesn't work, and it just looks like you're blinking rapidly for no reason. You're about to open your mouth and respond but Kylo huffs out a breath of laughter and turns back to face the sea. He's feeling fidgety. Can only concentrate on putting his body close to yours again. His solution is to pull you between him and the edge, turning your back to touch his chest, while his hands go to either side of you.

"Someone is following us," he whispers.

You tense and look around, wildly. "What?"

Kylo lifts one of his hands to point slightly towards your left. It's only after a long, concentrated stare, that you see a dim twinkle of light along the horizon.

Worry spreads through your body. Did your father find you already? This wouldn't have happened if you had told Kylo. What are you going to do? Oh dear.

Kylo watches your face closely. Sees your emotions rapidly change, the prevailing one being worry. He expected you to be excited but instead, you've revealed to him, without any words, that you're worried about someone coming after you.

"Is there something you need to tell me, angel?" His deep voice drowns out the sound of the waves, so close to your ear that you fight a shudder. You gulp and keep staring at the light.

Kylo's hands grip the gunwale tight in frustration. He knows it's Hux out there. Though he hates to admit it, he's the one navigator skilled enough to track down the Reaper through miles of ocean with just a vague direction. He wants to know what has you worried.

"I-" You swallow again, fidgeting with a stray thread on your sleeve. Looking down, in a quiet voice, you say, "My father-" Now that you've started the sentence you're unsure of how to end it.

Kylo hums into your ear when you stop talking and says, "Come to drag the runaway back home, hm?"

You whip around and shift your body so you're facing him. "I did not-" Again, the words get stuck in your throat. Technically, you have run away. But it was necessary. You were living on your own, making your own life. It's all at risk now.

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