Chapter 15

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(a/n) There's edging in this

The grass is wet with morning dew, cold under your palms. You push away from the ground right as Kylo's hands swiftly take hold of your arms, hauling you upwards the rest of the way with ease. "Are you hurt?" he asks urgently.

"Not at all," you say quickly, swiveling your head around to see Mikel driving the horse and cart away at a great speed. Kylo's steadying grip slides down, large fingers sweeping over your forearms.

"....bloody awful...dratted bastard...." Vicrul's long string of curses reaches your ears in pieces as he stumbles to a stand with the help of Ap'lek. You were both on the edge of the cart, seconds away from following Kylo and Ap'lek onto the ground, when it was driven out from under your feet.

Kylo glowers at the back of Mikel's head, reaching to his belt with one hand and taking yours in the other. Because of that brute's immaturity, Kylo failed to catch you. He twirls the dagger, weighty handle leaving his palm as he grabs hold of the blade, the motion practiced and automatic. He lifts his elbow, further narrowing his eyes to focus on the target.

Vicrul clutches at his bandaged side while leaning on Ap'lek's shoulder, cane having fallen in the grass. He grins wickedly at Kylo beside you. "Think you can get his head?"

You face Kylo in confusion just as his arm snaps forward. Reaction instinctual, you exclaim in shock and yank your hand clasped in his towards yourself. Unfortunately for Kylo, you move at the exact moment that his wrist flicks, disrupting his throw.

Kylo frowns. The blade rotates at full tilt through the air but hits the side of the cart instead of Mikel's skull. It bounces onto the well-worn path, fifteen meters away. One crack of a rope later, and the fool has disappeared around the hillside.

Ap'lek's snickering is joined by Vicrul's loud, bellowing laughter. "Wanted to kill him yourself, princess?"

"No—" you blurt, still stunned at events of the last minute. "No, I only...he should be able to return to his family, I didn't...." At best, it is a reflexive explanation, one brought on by defensiveness rooted in guilt.

"Mm." Vicrul doesn't sound convinced, with the teasing tone in his hum morphing into another fit of giggles.

Kylo squeezes your hand. "Bastard didn't deserve such an easy death anyhow," he mutters with a scowl. He looks around, forcing his priorities to shift away from violent revenge and towards getting you somewhere warm. Your hand is frigid and shivering in his.

Lush green hills form a gentle, rolling landscape towards the horizon, and, fortunately, he can see the ocean in the distance. Grey and wrapped in dense fog but present nonetheless. Most thankfully, he can see the dark dot of his ship opposite a small town on a cape jutting out to sea. He exhales in relief.

"First one to bring me that dagger gets five gold," Kylo says, threading his fingers through yours. As he expected, you take an excited step towards it. His unwavering hold keeps you in place. Ap'lek starts running without hesitation, leaving Vicrul to hobble behind and curse to the high heavens. "Not you," he murmurs, amused.

You blink up at Kylo, a soft smile taking shape on your face when you see the subtle playfulness on his. He slips his hand away in favor of placing both palms on the sides of your neck and spreading his strong fingers to their fullest extent. Warmth seems to seep directly through your skin, injecting relief straight into your bloodstream and compelling you to tilt your head to the sky. His uneven breaths form visible clouds in the air that crowd your face as he leans down.

"I simply wanted to do this once in peace," he utters, pulling you into a kiss and deeply inhaling the moment his lips touch yours. As if the air was not what he needed to breathe, only you.

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