Chapter 8

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The wooden planks off the dock are creaking under your feet. It's calming. How they sway in the water. Kylo's hand is still grasping yours, leading you towards the ship.

As you get closer, you can see crew members hanging over the side, painting the now repaired side of the ship. Your feet hesitate, causing your hand to be tugged forward when Kylo doesn't stop walking. You easily step back to the side of him once he propels you forward, and he says in an amused voice, "Don't like the color?"

You blink. Unable to stop a smile from forming on your face. "I think a green would look nice, personally," you laugh, picturing a ridiculously bright green ship sailing the open seas. Kylo huffs out a small breath of laughter, shaking his head.

Once you've arrived at the ship, the Knights are already back and on deck. Ap'lek is standing by the dock, leaning on his axe, nodding to the both of you. No watchmen have dared to approach the ship, afraid that cannon fire could ruin the dock if they provoke the pirates. It's quiet here, a wide berth given to the ominous black ship. On the walk back you noticed that the town went virtually silent as well, the lively and bustling streets now empty and desolate. Part of you feels bad for the people who live here, their livelihoods unnecessarily disrupted by violence. Another, deeper, more guilty part of you, feels excitement.

There's no time to analyze the depth to that feeling before Kylo is scooping you up, and lifting out and towards the ship, so you can grab onto the ropes. You latch on, hands gripping the ropes, feet finding their holds to push yourself up. Kylo follows, climbing slowly behind you.

Once you reach the edge, you're trying to push yourself up using your arms. Kylo climbs to the side of you and easily swings himself over. He's immediately turning around to help you up. Sliding his hands around your waist and hoisting you over the edge. With a 'thank you', you're smoothing down your skirts. Kylo hands you the package of clothes wrapped in brown paper and nods to the cabin. The two of you go separate ways, understanding his silent order to go change.

Kylo runs a hand over his goatee as he heads over to the upper deck near the bow. Honestly, his legs are still weak from the tailor's shop. It was surprising to him how enthusiastic you were and he's hungry for more of that side of you.

"Should we also let go of the galley crew?" Vicrul's voice carries across the deck to Kylo. He lifts his head and spots Vicrul overseeing the exchange of crew. "Tell them they can stay for double, it'll be longer this time," Kylo says once he gets close enough. Vicrul nods and hands another couple of coins to a man in ragged clothes stepping off the ship.

Kuruk's footsteps are heavy up the steps, coming to a stop at Kylo's right. "We're ready to set sail once most of the crew is off, we're still headed Northwest?" Kylo whips his head around at the question and glares at him. Kuruk widens his eyes, realizing his mistake of thinking he was vague enough. They're right near the exchange of crew members. Anyone could overhear. "Go oversee the helm," Kylo says in a deadly voice, subtly nodding to him. Kuruk slowly walks away, hands up in surrender.

Kylo has no need to give out specific orders, the Knights are automatically getting ready to set sail again. The ship is stocked again with food, hopefully enough to last until they can dock again. Kylo is pulling at a rope, unfurling the small sail near the bow to help with leaving the dock. His arms are flexed, using his strength to hoist the sail upwards with relative ease. He hears the sound of the cabin door opening and pauses. Looking across the deck, he sees you.

Standing there, nervous, in black pants and a loose white shirt. The shape of your legs and hips are now evident even from the distance he's at, outlined by the fabric. Kylo quickly loops the rope on the knob near the ground and ties it off. Striding to the lower deck, he's amused watching you try to find him, plucking at the threads of your sleeve with nervous fingers.

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