Chapter 13

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(a/n) Apologies for the long wait :( Started making it...had a breakdown...bon appétit. <3

"He's not waking."

The quiet alarm in Ap'lek's voice seizes your heart in an iron grip. Kylo's arms around you are like heavy chains, keeping you from collapsing on top of Vicrul in a panic.

"Is he breathing," Kylo heaves. He's trying to keep you still as Ap'lek checks Vicrul's pulse. Kylo's nerves scream with every movement of your body against his. However, he doesn't feel it.

Kylo knows his own body is in shock. He barely registers any pain despite the blood dripping from his face and chest at a sickening speed.

"Vicrul-"you choke, guilt rearing up in your throat. He didn't get the help he needed. Instead came to look for you. "I don't know how I got here, I swear, I wouldn't wander out-. "You're babbling. Words are turning incoherent against Kylo's shoulder as you press your face into his skin.

His blood has coated half of your face. Its warmth churns a fierce feeling of nausea in your stomach. So much blood.

You're reunited, but it's hopeless. Your hands are shaking. Whether in fear or anger, you're not sure.

Kylo repeats his question, his heart beating fast with conflict. He needs to comfort you. Needs to help Vicrul. Needs to get far away from here. All are battling for supremacy in his mind, wreaking havoc on his nerves and making his body shake. Whether in fear or anger, he's not sure.

"Answer me," Kylo snaps, impatience and worry both ensuring his voice is gritty and harsh. Ap'lek had broken Vicrul's fall, managing to lay him down on the forest floor as gently as possible. He's bent over Vicrul now, dirt-coated fingers pressed under his unconscious friend's jaw.

"His heart is beating weakly." Ap'lek lowers his head, so his ear is right over Vicrul's lips. A faint, raspy wheeze comes from his throat.

Ap'lek stills. He knows that sound—blood in the lungs.

"Aye, he's breathing, but-"

Ap'lek meets Kylo's eyes, unsure whether to finish his sentence while you're currently panicking against his Captain's chest like a baby bird tossed out of its nest which hasn't yet learned how to fly.

An understanding passes seamlessly between the two men—one of urgency.

Kylo blinks. Slowly. As if he can sweep away his frenzied rage with the simple motion of his eyelids. When he opens them, purpose renewed, Ap'lek stands.

"However you can, spot a landmark you recognize; we need to get back to shore," Kylo orders. He knows that it's practically hopeless. The night smeared pitch-black onto their surroundings with no hesitation. But if anyone can make out minute details against the backdrop of such an oppressive night, it's Ap'lek.

Ap'lek takes another look at Vicrul, and with a face filled with concern, he heads up the hill. Sword drawn and eyes wide.

Kylo's immediately looking down, blood-covered hands moving to clasp both of your shoulders in a firm grip.

Kylo stares with such intensity that, although your chest is heaving, your body stills in shock at such a sight. So much blood, you think as your eyes glaze over. It looks black. Everything's black.

"Look at me," he says, shaking your shoulders to grab your attention again.

Your eyes whip up from the dead creature behind him on the ground to meet his gaze. You hadn't realized your gaze had shifted.

"Angel, breathe," Kylo snaps. In a voice so accustomed to shouting orders, the comforting words, don't crack the daze that's taken ahold of you.

With one thumb, he attempts to wipe the blood away from your cheek. The action further smears red over your face, and Kylo makes a distressed, guttural sound before cupping both of your cheeks with his hands.

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