Chapter 5

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(a/n) The chapters keep getting longer lol.

You unfold another dress, bewildered.

It's nicer fabric than you've seen in months, embroidered and decorated with lace. This particular one is a deep red with almost a sheen to it. Your mouth hangs open as you lay it down beside the other five. This all probably cost a fortune.

Vicrul had dropped off a chest outside your door about an hour ago with the words 'wear one to dinner'.

Once Kylo had left you that morning, you had caught up on sleep and organized your room. Again. For the first time since you've been on this ship, you're excited about the prospect of leaving your quarters. The past few days, food has been brought to you at odd times. It was almost midnight the first night when you awoke to a knock, peeked outside your door, and saw a tray piled high with fermented vegetables and dried meat. Needless to say, you weren't very hungry.

You grasp the dark red fabric in your hands and decide to put this one on for dinner. Wherever it is. You're out on the open sea and you're hoping there's something other than pickled onions waiting for you.

Sliding it over your linen gown, you realize the shape of it fits you perfectly. The sleeves reach down to your wrists, but your clavicle and neck are free from any fabric. The waist tapers down to a point, making the bodice into a sort of hourglass shape with the skirts bustling out from your hips.

You look to the mirror about the vanity and are struck with a vision of a past self. One used to wearing dresses of this caliber, taught to sit up straight and never speak out of turn. Your hands go to your hair, wanting to make sure it looks elegant enough to match the dress.

You're startled when a knock sounds at your door. Surprisingly polite for a pirate, you think, as you finish putting the last pin in your hair and turn to open the door.

You're surprised when one of the crew members greets you. With no words, he points to the Captain's quarters and hurries away. You assume that means something along the lines of 'go to dinner'.

Kylo is getting impatient. Grumbling to himself, he's about to turn the handle and walk out of his cabin to go get you. Even though Vicrul specifically told him you would not appreciate being barged in on, he couldn't really care right now. No one makes him wait.

His fingers are wrapped around the handle when it swings open. Met with your face staring up at him, he pauses, and pulls his hand back to stop from reaching out and touching you. You look exquisite, is what he wants to say.

"How are you feeling?" he snaps instead, wanting to get your answer as quickly as possible, eyes glazing over with lust as he surveys your bared skin.

"Better, thank you," you say, looking up at him.

Kylo moves to the side and nods his head to indicate you should enter. He watches as you step past him, mesmerized by your styled hair. Shaking his head, he snaps himself out of the daze, angry that you demand all of his attention without even trying.

"Dinner?" you ask in a soft voice, turning to look back at him. Kylo strides past you expecting you to follow. You do.

To the right is where you see a table covered with all kinds of non-pickled things and your heart soars at the array of food. Roast chicken, boiled potatoes, and vegetables. Various kinds of fruit in bowls. Cheese on wooden boards. Bottles of port and rum.

You're torn from your stare by Kylo lumbering down into his seat. Broad shoulders almost twice the width of the backrest with long legs poking out from under the table. He grunts and motions with his head for you to sit.

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