Chapter 4

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Your lungs are burning. How can this man run so much? He's stuck on a ship all the time.

Around another corner, and he slows down to a stop. He's hardly out of breath. You're bent over, clutching your stomach. Heaving breaths in and out. You feel a hesitant pat on your back. It leaves just as quickly as it came.

Kylo is staring at you, suddenly worried you're going to be sick. He only ran about five blocks. Had to make sure Hux's men couldn't find you both.

"One se-" So out of breath, you can't finish your words. You hold up a finger. He raises his eyebrows. Blinks. No one has dared tried to give him an order in years. And yet, he's waiting with you in this little alley. Giving passersby a harsh look who stare too long. Don't need any unnecessary attention.

You have a pain in your side. Grimacing as you come to a full stand, you place a hand on his arm for support.

Kylo furrows his eyebrows, uncomfortable. He starts walking again, headed towards the meeting point, unsure what to do besides place his hands in his pockets. You stumble from losing your point of support. Surprised at how abruptly he started walking, but you scurry after him.

"Where are we going?" you ask, your breathing slowing down. He looks down at you. Scanning his eyes over the gold chain.

"Meeting the Knights," he says.

He's striding down the center of the street. Merchants line the edges, shouting in English and some Irish. You want to keep up with Kylo. He's walking fast. The crowd moves out of his way automatically whereas you struggle to walk beside him. Having to duck to avoid people who don't see you.

The sign is up ahead, on the corner. Kylo quickens his pace, still sensing you close beside him. McHugh's Bar. They agreed to meet after both the Knights and Kylo took care of their respective business. Twice now they've been here on their travels.

He opens the door and lets you walk in first. Immediately you're greeted by a lively atmosphere. It's not even early afternoon and the pub is almost half full. A fireplace is lit, warming the chilly air that blows in every time a person enters. A man singing in the back can be heard as you look up to dark wooden beams crossing the ceiling. You feel Kylo's hand on your back again, gently guiding you around the bar.

"See? There they are," comes a voice from the back.

Kylo had already spotted them, but at Vircul's voice, you see the Knights are gathered at a table in the corner. Pints of ale all around. Trudgen is just finishing his second, beer spilling down his chin.

Kylo jerks his head to the side, ordering three of the Knights to move without a word coming from his mouth. They lumber out of their positions with various grumbles and greetings. You scoot to the corner of the table once you sit, in the middle of the group. Kylo slides in beside you and the Knights sit down again.

"It go okay?" asks Vicrul from your left.

"Mhmm." Kylo gestures with a finger towards the barmaid and orders two ales. "You get the next one?" he asks, turning to Vicrul.

"Spotted near Norway," Vicrul confirms.

Kylo is pleased that they're not going to stray too far from their path to Greenland. The guild keeps track of any developing trade routes and alerts anybody willing to pay. Ships along the new routes have hefty bounties, trying to avoid pirates.

The barmaid sets down two ales on the table with a clunk. Kylo slides one over to you as he takes his own. You don't grab it. Working in a tavern for all those months turned you off the taste of ale. Kylo glances down at you, annoyed that he feels like a fool ordering it for you if you don't like ale.

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