Chapter 11

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(a/n) Phew 😅 

"You know that won't dry right?"

Snapping your head to the right, you see Vicrul and Cardo standing at the top of the steps. The smirk on Vicrul's face makes you want to roll your eyes.

They continue their path to join you on the upper deck as you plunge your clothes back into the water. About ten minutes ago, you had come up here to wash your pants and shirt using a bucket, hoping no one would catch you.

"Just saying," says Vicrul as he passes behind you.

He and Cardo begin pulling at the lines to furl the end sail, and the hinges creak with the movement. With a sigh, you turn around and sit on the ledge you had placed the bucket on.

They tie off the ends of the lines and saunter back towards you.

"What if I hang them up?" you ask.

Vicrul counters with, "The ocean mist will be sure to keep them damp." He leans an elbow on the gunwale and smiles.

"And if I just leave them inside?" you say, narrowing your eyes.

Cardo pipes up. "Is that seawater, lassie?" You nod, raising one eyebrow as he lifts your white shirt from the bucket. He continues. "The salt absorbs the moisture, you know, so Vicrul's right, they won't fully dry."

You groan and make a sour face, looking back to the bucket where your pants are currently floating. Vicrul's snickering reaches your ears and you quickly jump off the ledge with a thunk.

Taking the bucket in one hand and the shirt in the other, you turn to face the two of them. Even with how elegant you feel in a dress, you can't wear it to battle. Or, whatever is about to happen. Maybe a skirmish. A tussle? A war? As you're wracking your head for the word, both Vicrul and Cardo stare.

Cardo bumps Vicrul's shoulder, silently asking what is going on, and the man just shrugs. There was a couple of times you got like this during training as well and he just waited until your eyes focused again. Now, he decides to bring you back to the moment by saying, "Just lay them out somewhere warm, and hopefully, by tomorrow they'll be wearable."

With some rapid blinks, you're able to refocus on the current situation and nod to Vicrul. Cardo just has a bewildered look on his face as you start walking towards the steps.

You scurry down to the lower deck with the bucket in hand, dumping the water over the edge as you head to the cabin.

"Think she'll be alright?" Cardo asks, voice small and almost worried.

Vicrul looks at his friend and puts his hands in his pockets. His confidence in you has skyrocketed over the past couple of days. Anyone can see you're determined. Hard-working. He hopes you'll be alright.

"Kylo will make sure she is," Vicrul says with a shrug.


You're humming a nonsensical tune as you use your shoulder to push open the door to your quarters.

Letting the bucket go, you let it roll wherever it feels like and watch it bump into the vanity. The clothes are heavy in your hand and you have to use both hands to unfold them. You're lifting the shirt by its shoulders when your gaze suddenly catches on the large figure sitting in the chair by your vanity.

With a small scream, you clutch the clothes close to your chest. Terrified eyes widening at the sight.

Kylo tries to hold in his smile as he lifts one hand to lean his chin on his thumb and forefinger. He's sitting in the rickety wooden chair, legs spread wide, body too large for such a delicate piece of furniture.

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