Chapter 16

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Iridescent blue-grey waves softly lap at the hull of the Reaper, reflecting fading orange sunlight. The colossal height of auburn wood bobs up and down with the gentle waves, only a few meters from where you are sitting in the rowboat. It would be a formidable sight if not for the immense relief you feel at returning somewhere familiar.

Two ladders come flying over the edge, smacking against the side of the ship as the wooden planks chaotically unroll. Trudgen, seated across from you, reaches out and grabs hold of the one closest, using the end to pull the rowboat towards the hull.

Kylo's hand tightens on your waist as the sway increases, compelling you to lean further into his sturdy body. Looking past Trudgen's shoulder, you see Cardo secure the ladder to sizable metal hooks and stand like the waves are nonexistent. It is the rocking of the boat combined with the unstable ladder that makes you gulp, suddenly nervous, when Trudgen rises with the same confidence, heavy sacks of food attached to his back.

Your legs feel shaky. As a matter of fact, your whole body is still weak. It was only an hour ago that Kylo woke you, whispering the plan in your ear as he poured warm water over your back. It was pure bliss. Until he said it was time to leave. The part of you that wanted to protest retreated at hearing the Knights a floor below, shouting and singing, calling for you and the Captain. "Impatient bastards," Kylo muttered, kissing your temple.

The large leg resting against yours shifts, and Kylo's lips are suddenly at your ear. "I'll be right behind you," he murmurs. The weight in his words grounds you enough to confidently nod, eyes following Trudgen up the side of the ship.

The sharp click of a tongue draws your attention back down. Vicrul, reclined on his elbows, motions to the cane at his feet when you meet his eyes. "You've done it before, princess, relax," he says, a cocky smile taking over his face. "If anyone should be nervous, it's me." He shifts, face dropping for a split second before he yawns. "The wounded one," he jokes with a laugh.

Kylo scoffs, not humored as he taps your hip to signal it is time to stand. Grabbing the ladder to stabilize yourself does little to stop the wobbling. The unyielding hand on your waist secures you enough to begin climbing. However, you pause, looking down at Vicrul as the chilled sea breeze bites at your cheeks.

The continued quips about his injury have you worried. You know he is a lighthearted man, but it is as though he is racing to make himself a laughingstock before anyone else can, and though you do not know for sure, the thought saddens you. He is looking at you, expectantly. Unsure of what to say, you clear your throat and ask quietly, "Would you like to go first?" You swallow when he merely stares, and Kylo furrows his brows, looking confused. "Or, would you like any help?" It is barely above a whisper, embarrassingly so. You do not even know what you can offer as assistance.

He chuckles immediately, saying, "I'll manage," with a grin. "Done this plenty of times, just like you." Motioning a hand nonchalantly, he says, "Easy." Smirking, he nods upward. "Now go."

You give him a small smile.

"Easy," Kylo echoes, a hand on the ladder keeping it taut. "One step at a time." A squeeze on your waist before his hand slides away. "Go slow." A tender push at the small of your back. You turn away from Vicrul's insistent nodding to put your entire weight on the first wooden plank, deeply inhaling as you start the climb.

Not even two minutes later, Kylo jumps down beside you, making the wood creak under your feet as he joins you on deck with a heavy exhale. Vicrul is right behind him, swinging his legs over the edge to sit on it, scrutinizing the crew gathering on deck with one raised brow. The squeaking of metal has you averting your eyes to Trudgen and Kuruk, each turning massive wooden wheels with handles as big as your arm, strained grunts nearly drowning out the harsh sound of the pulleys as they lift the boats out of the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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