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As I watched my dad's limo pull away. I could hear someone telling the guys they could leave. I didn't say anything when everyone walked past me. To be honest I didn't care. I turned around to practically walk in to Luke.

"Watch where you're going" he said in a frightening tone. But I'm no push over. So I stood my ground.

"Then move the fuck outta my way asshole!" And with that I pushed him out the way only to be thrown into a wall. I hit my head pretty hard then everything went black.

Luke's POV

I didn't mean to throw her that hard. I just wanted to scare her so she'll know to respect me. When we were little she used to scare me so I'd always listen to everything she said. Its not going be that way anymore. I walked over to her and picked her up and took her to her room.

"You're gonna be a handful" I said as I placed her on her bed.

I went over to her dresser to look for her some pajamas she could wear. But instead I found something else.

"Man she has well over a 100 pair of thongs." I looked back at her and a thought popped into my head. Lets have some fun.


I started to come back. I tried to open my eyes but something was over them. That's when I went to move my arms but they were stuck. Well I'm not gonna lie I freak out really fast.

"OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I shouted in panic. That's when I heard loud laugh.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Its the asshole from earlier." He said as I could hear his footsteps getting closer. Then I felt his warm breath on my ear.

"Luke?" I asked turning my face towards his breathing.

"Mmmmm you look so sexy tied up right now" he said as he started kissing my neck.

"Ewww get off me pervert!" I tried moving away from him.

"Stella I didn't like the attitude you gave me earlier, so now I'm going to punish you."I pulled extremely hard to try and free my arms from their restraints.

"You can't punish me you prick!" I growled at him. Luke stopped kissing me and slapped me on my thigh. I couldn't help by cry out from pain. He keep doing it. Each hit harder than the last.

"Luke please, please stop!" I whined.

"I can keep hitting you over and over or I can punish you my way and I can promise you it'll hurt alot less."

"You're way!" I shouted. He chuckled lightly then started to kiss and suck on my neck. I bit my tongue to stop from moaning. Then he slapped me clear across the face.

"Ughhhh you said it wouldn't hurt!" I screamed at him.

"It won't hurt if you don't hold things back"

I sighed then nodded. He went back to kissing my neck. I was actually getting turned on by his actions. He bit my neck hard which would normally hurt but it on sent chills through my body. He squeezed my boobs. He must have liked it because he groaned then keep moving his hands south. I started breathing harder because I knew what he was going to do. And honestly by body wanted him too. He moved my panties to the side and slowly ran finger in between, teasing me.

"Are you this wet for me?" he whispered in my ear. I definitely wasn't gonna answer him. Then he jammed 2 fingers in me and slowly started thrusting them in and out. I let my head drop forward on his shoulder. He stopped moving his fingers. I didn't want this to happen by my body did. Then I did the unthinkable. I started moving up and down on his fingers. Rolling my hips my clit could get some much need attention too.

"Fuckkkkkkk this so hot" he moaned. Luke started to curl his fingers inside me hitting a sweet spot. I couldn't hold my moans any longer. I started moving faster, feeling my stomach start to knot up.

"I want you to scream my name when you cum, ok."

With that he start thrusting harder inside me. My whole body was on fire. I couldn't stop my thighs from shaking. Loud filthy moans spilling from my mouth. I wasn't gonna last much longer.

"L-Luke" I moaned.

"Yeah babe" he lustfully whispered back.

"Ughhhhhhhh" I could no longer form words. But he seemed to understand what I was saying.

"Good. Cum for me baby." And with that my walls tighten and I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. I was panting trying to catch my breath. Luke slid his fingers out and released my arms and took off my blindfold. I looked up at him standing over me sucking his fingers with content. He walked to the door then turned back to me and took his phone out.

"That will be my new ringtone." He smiled and played the recording of me screaming his name. I sat there shocked as he left the room smiling.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

Hi so um wow, I liked that huh? Yeah I'll get  in trouble on here.

I'm listening to blank space by I prevail and I swear I'm in love

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora