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A/N Get ready for the biggest bombshell

I woke up the next morning to my head pounding, what happened? I looked around to see I was in Luke's room. Oh yeah now I remember

"Mate did you and Stella, you know, last night?" I heard Michael ask.

"A gentleman never tells." I heard Ashton say. Aww you rock Ashton!

"Fuck that Ash! Look at his neck. Of course he fucked her! Why wouldn't he? Their 2 teenagers living in the the same house with NO adults. This is fucking pound town!" Calum practically yelled.

"Cal, be quite. Use your inside voice." Ashton said.

"Sorry dad" Calum said voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Luke if you did do something with Stella please don't hurt her." Ashton said with concern.

"Don't worry Ash it was a one time thing." Luke spoke.

And there it was. His words were like a slap in the face. Shit a slap in the face would have hurt me alot less. I balled my fists up. I felt tears forming so I closed my eyes. I don't know why I'm surprised. Its always like this. I like a guy then sleep with him then he's gone. I must have been a real asshole in a past life to always get this fucked up karma. That's why I don't really believe in "love". Its just a 4 letter word to me. I pulled myself together and stomped down the steps so the guys could hear and they'd stop talking about me. They all watched me as I went to the refrigerator and took out a beer. I pulled up a chair sat with them like nothing was wrong. 

"Ummm Stella don't you think its a little early to be drinking." Ashton said with big puppy eyes. To be in a gang he was surprisingly sweet. I shrugged my shoulders and opened the bottle.

"Yeah are you sure you should be drinking? You had a bit much last night." Luke said.

I clinched my jaw and looked at him.

"Why do you care?" I tried saying as calmly as possible. He just looked at me.

"Welllllll" Michael said breaking the tension. "Can I have a beer?"

"No Michael, once you get started we can't stop you." Ace said squeezing Michael's cheeks. I giggled at Michael who was now pouting.

"Mikey we can share" I said putting my bottle to his lips. He hesitated his eyes looking to see what Luke would do. I saw and it only pissed me off more.

"Oh come on Michael, baby, Luke isn't the boss. I am!" And with that Michael started to drink. I smiled and started to rub his cheek with my finger. I took the bottle from his lips and licked the rim and started to drink the rest. I could see that made Michael start to blush.

"See I knew I liked you. You got spunk!" Calum said laughing loudly.

"So tell me what's going on with this gang." I said ignoring Luke's death glares.

"Well before your father left we were having problems with this guy named Devon and his gang coming on our turf disrespecting us. His son Damon has been seen on Calum's and my side of town." Ace said.

"I'm almost certain they don't know who you are, so you're safe for now. But leading this gang you're going to be put in danger. Can you handle that?" Ashton said waiting for my answer.

"Do you know why my father put me in charge?" Asking all of them. No one answered but just looked at me waiting for me to continue. "Its because power and sex is the downfall of men." I said sitting up in my chair. "Men start wars but women will finish them." I gave them all an icy stare. Just to let them know I am more qualified to lead them.

Then the doorbell rang. We all looked confused at each other. So I got up and went to the door and they all followed. I looked through the peep hole and saw some girl with a bunch of bags. So I turn to Calum and lift up his shirt.

"Woah honey! At least take to dinner first." he said laughing.

"Yeah yeah yeah Romeo, I was just getting your gun." I looked him in the eyes and "accidentally" let my hand brush his crotch. Only him and I knew what happened. Once I had it I put it in the back of my waist band and opened the door.

"Hi how can I help you?" I said looking her up and down.

"Are you Stella?" she asked looking at me than the guys behind me.

"Yeah why?" I said putting my hands behind my back getting ready to grab my gun just incase.

"I'm Amy. Your mom married my dad. And she told me she wanted me to live here with you." She said running out of breath in the process. "Soooooo what's up sis."

Ohh cliffhanger so what was Luke talking about from 'last night' that part will never be told

Also is Amy really her sister? Find out in the next update of 5 Screams of Silence (5SoS) I know I just noticed it

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora