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A/N double digits whooooooo.

Stella POV

I woke up refreshed! Until I moved to fast and I hit my bandages.

"Oh shit that hurt!" I said looking down at it. Then Amy walked out of my bathroom.

"Morning sleepy head." she said sitting on the bed next to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Alittle sore but I feel good."

"Yeah I bet." she said laughing.

"Why are you laughing" I asked unaware of what I done yesterday.

"Wait you don't remember?" I shook my head no. "Well what's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember finding out I was shot, then everything after that is pretty fuzzy." I was gonna ask what happened but my stomach let out a huge growl.

"Lets get you something to eat." Amhy helped me outta bed and down the stairs. The guys stopped talking once we entered the kitchen.

"Why do you always stop speaking when I come in? Finish talking its weird when you do that." I said still holding on to Amy for support.

"Stella how are you?" Ashton said pulling a chair up for me. Amy sat me down then pulled up a chair too.

"Good just pretty hungry."

Ace jumped up and snatched Michael's bag of chips from him and handed them to me. Michael didnt complain he just stared daggers at me as I ate his chips.

"I heard you got shot and thought Luke was hurt." Calum said jumping in. I nodded and continued to eat. "That's fucking crazy! How do you get shot and not noticed?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess my adrenaline made me not notice.

"WOW you're amazing" Ace yelled at me.

Everyone was speaking to me but Luke. He looks miserable.

"Hey Luke what's wrong? You look horrible!" 

He didn't say anything just looked at me, long and hard. Then he got up and left.

"What's his problem?"

"You don't remember what you did?" Michael asked leaning closer to me.

"NO! What did I do?"

"Oh Stella you practically raped him!" I just sat not understanding.

"After Luke put you to sleep last night, you came into his room and....... you tried to, ummm fuck him." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was a lie. It had to be.

"I don't believe you." I said crossing my arms. Amy sat up and spoke.

"Stella its true. Luke called us for help. And when we got to his room, you were on him." Then she leaned to whisper in my ear. "You were on him leaving hickies on his neck."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was so embarrassed. I just put my face into my hands in shame.

"Love its ok. Your medicine had you a little messed up." Ace said rubbing my head.

"Shit I don't know how Luke did it. A fit girl begging you to fuck her. Shoot I probably woulda just fucked you Stella." Calum said.

"Luke didn't want to do anything because he didn't want to hurt her Calum." Ashton said disappointed by Calum's statement. I stood up so I could go find Luke.

"Stella where are you going" Ace said.

"I'm going to find Luke." I said trying not to show pain in my face as I walked. No one objected to what I was doing. I finally made it up the stairs 10 minutes later. I was in pain and outta breath. I hobbled to Luke's room and knocked on the door. He opened it a minute later. He didn't really look at me and he kinda hid behind the door.

"Lukey can we talk please?"

"Yeah sure." he sighed and sat in a chair. I followed and stood in front of him. He seemed very uncomfortable with how close I was to him. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. He went completely stiff. 

"I guess they told you what happened. Ok well look Stella I'm not mad. I just need you better. I don't think I can handle you getting shot again. I definitely can't handle what you tried doing to me yesterday" That's when I saw what I did to his neck. I traced it with my finger and Harry let out a quite moan. Then it hit me. Luke wasn't mad at me. I must have made him really horny yesterday.

"Luke we're gonna find the asshole that tried to shoot you. And don't worry I'll handle them myself." He opened his eyes shocked at what I said. Then he smiled and pulled me into a hug making sure not to hurt me.

"Stella Fire you are amazing. You're doing something to me." I just smiled and started to walk out his room. 

"Oh uhh Stella," I turned to look at him. "When you get better I can't wait to do things right, then have my way with you." I couldn't help by smile. 

"Luke Hemmings you don't know what you do to me"

Ohhh ok one more updates tonight

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