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Luke POV

I can't believe I just did that. My joke went way to far! I just wanted to scare her. Make her respect me. Not end up on top of her masturbating. I definitely did not plan on cumming on her chest either. Good god she actually tasted it though. Man that was so sexy. She's so fit! I want to cum inside of her.

"Oh fuck! I gotta stop thinking about her. I'm freaking hard again."

I don't know if I'm gonna be able to control myself around her.

Stella POV

I woke up with the sun on my face. It looked beautiful outside! I picked up my phone to see if anyone had called me I don't know why, I have no friends.

"Wow its already 2:00 pm." I got up and went downstairs. Hopefully Luke was still sleeping or had left out. Once I got to the kitchen I skipped to the refrigerator. Not aware of the people watching me from behind. I went to grab the pack of grapes and turned around to find 5 guys staring at me.

"Ummm hey" Wow that's all I managed to say. I'm so lame.

"What are you wearing" Luke said looking me up and down.

His eyes were so memorizing during the day. The sun light behind him made him glow. He looked like an angel. But I knew. I knew that beautiful head of blond hair hid his horns!

"Earth to Stella, did you hear me?" he asked.

I looked at him again, then the rest of the guys then I looked down at myself.

"Oh god!" I was in my bra and lace boy shorts in front of these 5 guys. They were the lions and I was a weak baby zebra. This day started off grrrrreat!

"I'm used to walking around my house like this." I tried explaining. "No one is ever here with me."

"Well start putting some clothes on, we'll be here almost everyday." Luke said.

"Hold on its her house. She should be able to wear what ever she wants in front of us." The tan boy said grinning at me. What was his name again? Oh yeah Calum. Calum, Michael and Ashton were their names.

"Feel free to walk around naked if you like. You are the boss now." A black haired boy with with green eyes said.

I smiled and shook my head. They're just your average bunch of horny guys. I walked to the table and pulled a chair over and sat with them.

"Well Stella you might as well get to know us. We run different parts of the gang to help you out." Michael said as he grabbed some grapes from the pack.

"I know everyone but you" I said turning to the black haired boy. He stuck his hand out for a high 5 which made me smile.

"I'm Ace." he said.

"Hi Ace I'm Stella." I said hitting his hand hard. Luke cleared his throat loudly causing everyone to look at him.

"I know you know me. But how do you know everyone else?" he asked.

Calum, Michael, and Ashton stiffened in their chairs eyes widening. They all looked at me mentally pleading with me to not tell the truth.

"We ran into each other the other night and exchanged names." I said with a straight face. I'm one hell of a liar!

"Since when do you guys exchange names with girls at night" Luke said giving them a death glare. Why does care? It's not a big deal. Something about this kid gets on my nerves. I stood quickly and placed my hands on the table.

"Well Luke its none of your business so just leave it alone." The rest of the boys sat there shocked. I guess no one ever spoke to him like that. But Luke wasn't fazed at all.

"Stella sit down before I play your music for the boys"

"What I never..." Then it hit me he was talking about the recording from yesterday. "You wouldn't." I said voice shaking.

"But I would." He said with an evil grin. I sat down and shoved some more grapes in my mouth.

"I hate you Luke." I said with a full mouth.

"You may hate me, but not the things I do to you." He sweetly smiled to me.

"Wait I'm confused. Did you really have music?" Michael asked looking around.

"Michael I think their talking about something sexual." Ashton said patting Michael on the head.

"Oh sooooooooooooooo you and Luke already had sex?" He asked looking at me.

"What?!?! NO !" I yelled almost choking on a grape.

"Yeahhhhh right." Calum said pushing out his lips. "I reckon we be going anyway." he said standing up. The other boys did the same. They all walked out the room except Ashton. He stared me in the eyes long and hard before he spoke.

"Safe sex is great sex children. Remember that. I refuse to be a god father at 19." My jaw was to the floor as he walked out the kitchen and I heard the front door close. These guys are crazy!

So yeah another person will be coming in the picture who could it be? I don't know read the next chapter to find out

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora