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Stella POV

You gotta be fucking kidding me. A sister! Great this is just what I needed another fucking person in this house.

"You gonna let me in before the end of the year?" Amy asked twisting her lips at me.

"How do I know your telling the truth." I asked not easily being fooled.

"Ugh your mom said you were like this. Well lets see." She leaned in and whispered in my ear. Wide eyed I looked at her.

"Ok come in. And DON'T ever repeat what you just said!" I said feeling completely embarrassed. I turned back to the guys who were just sitting on the stairs now. "Ummm guys this is my sister Amy." I said moving to the side so they can see her. Luke was of course the first to speak.

"Since when do you have a sister? Your dad only spoke about you." he stood up saying.

"What do you wanna fuck her too?" I didnt mean to say that in front of everyone. The room grew quite. Dead quite. I couldn't take it anymore so I just marched upstairs to my room. I went to slam my door and guess who stopped it. Yup it was Luke.

"What the fuck is your problem!" he yelled at me.

"You're my problem. Just leave me alone." I said still trying to close the door.

"How am I your problem? I wasn't a problem in bed." he said smugly. Tht was the last straw for me. My fist balled up and the next thing I knew it was in the wall.

"What the fuck was that for Stella?" Luke said pushing his way into my room.

"You are! Why are boys so damn dumb! If you just wanted to fuck me you should have said so. But no. You made it seem like you actually had feelings for me. And the worst part is that I started to like you, like seriously like you." God dammit I didnt mean to confess my feelings for him. Ughhhhhh why me karma!

"Stella I'm sorry." he said

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm sorry that's all anyone ever says like its suppose to make up for people's wrong doings." I wasn't even looking at Luke anymore just at my now swollen hand.

"Well I am. And I just wanted to let you know that we're all going out to a club tonight. I was going to take you but its best if Michael takes you and I take Amy." he said closing my door. 

I took a shower and then just hanged around naked in my room till it was almost time to go. I went to my closet and began looking for something to wear. I found this short, tight, backless dress. On a short girl it would have been cute. But on a tall gal like me it was drop dead sexy. I slipped some heels on then just look my hair out of a ponytail. I went downstairs to find a very naughty Michael completely downing a beer. I cleared my throat to let him know I was there.

"HOLY SHIT! You look hot!" he yelled at me. Causing us both to laugh.

"Why are you drinking a beer? Your about to drive a car." I said grabbing and dragging him to the car.

"Honey I'm always alil bit drunk. Something you'll soon come to know." he said patting my butt then running to his truck. Once we were on the rode it got quite.

"Michael who else is going to be there?" I honestly wanted to know because 2 girls with 5 boys is little weird.

"Well Ashton, Ace and Calum are bringing their girlfriends." He said still looking at the rode.

"Calum has a girlfriend?!?! WOW Who woulda known." I said amazed

"Yeah they were just fucking at first then they both caught feelings." He said chuckling.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. My question caught him off guard but he recovered.

"No. No I don't" he said sounding almost sad.

"Shut the front door! Michael your amazing! Why don't you?" I yelled waving my arms around.

"I don't know I've always been the single friend." he sighed pulling into the parking lot of the club.

"I know how you feel. It sucks. Guys always want a good girl but go for the whores and girls want a good guy and always go for the assholes. Its crazy." I said getting into my own thoughts.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked turning the car off.

"No. Guys don't like me. They just want to get into my pants." I said looking down at my hurt hand, remembering Luke.

"You know we guys all make mistakes. You should give him another chance. If it doesn't workout just move on." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Come on everyone is waiting" I said getting out the car. We walked into the club and I couldn't see anything! Michael must have sensed it because he grabbed my hand and we walked to the back to find the others. Man this is gonna be a crazy night.

Ohhh will she listen to Michael? Will Luke like her back will Michael stay the single friend find out next update.

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora