Chapter 4

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Davina POV

We decided to let Lilith sleep and we will check on her in the morning when she's feeling better.

We walked in her room and didn't see her. "Lily." I didn't get no response. "Lily this ain't funny." She would always plays games with us.

"Lilith." Still nothing. "Lilith Holly Mikelson come out." Still nothing. I looked around and didn't see any of her stuff. I noticed a letter on her bed.

It said "to the Mikelson" I grabbed it and walked downstairs. "Guys." "Yeah darling also where's Lily. Said Kol." "That's the thing she's not in her room all I found was letter."

They all looked at me. "She's probably doing it for attention. Said Elijah." I rolled my eyes at him. "Read it D. Said Marcel." They all waited for me to read it.

"Hello to who ever finds this letter. I'm Lilith Holly Mikelson known as the unwanted Mikelson. Your probably wondering why did she write a letter. It's because I have ran away from you guys. I almost lost my life in the hands of my own father."

I stopped and looked at Kol. "Go on Davina. Said Hayley." No she was worried about her.

"I always wondered what I did wrong for my own family to hate me. It was never what I did wrong it was what you guys did wrong. Hayley my own mother saw what Klaus was doing and didn't stop him."

"You always talked about a better life for your kids but you choose to have a better life for Hope and leave me in the dark. I don't know what I did to you but I'm sorry."

"You happy Hayley she's apologizing for something she never did." I was mad at Hayley Lilith is just a kid and she's been through hell. "Well go on. Said Bexs."

"Dear Freya, you always said you wanted to teach us how to control our magic and you failed at that. You choose to only teach Hope while I had to sit and watch from far. I never knew what I did wrong but I'm sorry. I hope if you have kids treat them good because their gonna be stuck with you for the rest of their lives. Goodbye."

They were still confused at what was going on.

"Dear Elijah, the noble uncle yet still ignored his niece. I heard some stories from Uncle Kol on how you were the noble original. Yes some of its true and some of it's not. Please stop giving your word because you obviously can't keep it. Goodbye."

"Dear Rebekah, The Original who fell in love easily. You said you always wanted kids of your own and went on about living a human life or trying to live a human life. You could've had a kid you always wanted but you were to busy yawning over Hope. Please Rebekah don't have kids I don't want my cousins to go threw what i went threw. Goodbye."

"Dear Hope, the powerful Tribrid. I don't have much to say to you. I tried to get along with you but you didn't want to. I never want to see you again and don't have kids you'll probably pick a favorite too. Goodbye."

"Dear Hayley, My "Mother." The one who fell in love with my uncle Elijah. The great werewolf alpha to the Kenner and Labinior pack. I feel bad honestly for them. Your a horrible mother. Goodbye."

"Dear Klaus, My "Father." The Original Hybrid. The one everyone fears including your own daughter. I could see the anger in your face that night of my birthday because Kol took me out because you guys forgot about me. I could never forgive you ever. I can't even see you the same anymore because everytime I see you all I can think about is I'm I gonna die this time. So Goodbye."

"Dear Camille and Davina and Keelin, My aunt I count as family. You guys raised me when you didn't have too so I'll always be thankful for you guys. You taught me how to write and read. Made sure my life was never boring. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but I didn't want to die so it was best I leave they won't notice they never do. I love you guys. With all my love goodbye."

"Dear Marcel and Kol, the only uncles i count as family. I love you both so much so you understand why I had to do what I did. You guys taught me how to swim and how to have fun without getting in trouble. Uncle Kol I will cherish our pranks and time together. Always and Forever to infinity. Uncle Marcel you taught me to always see the good in people even behind their mistakes. Which I'm glad you did because then I would've never forgive Aiden. I love you guys. Always and Forever to infinity. With all my love goodbye."

"Dear Mikelson, This is the last time you'll ever hear from me. I never want to hear from you guys ever again. You made me think it was my fault that you guys hated me. I was never cause of your hatred for me. But I understand because I hate you guys too. Don't come looking for me I don't want to go back to that place you guys call home. By the time you have read this letter I will already be gone. Goodbye."

I finished reading it. They all had tears in their eyes. Why they caused this to happened. "Why you crying your the reason she's gone." "Shut up Davina. Said Hayley." "Why Hayley because now your sad she's gone."

I shook my head at them. "Lets go." "Where are you guys going. Said Klaus." "It doesn't matter." "Freya start the spell. Said Klaus." "Leave her alone Klaus you almost killed her last night and now you want her."

"She's my daughter my second heir. Said Klaus." "Well you lost her because of your actions. Said Keelin." "She's not your daughter so say quiet. Said Hayley." "She may not but we raised her because you couldn't. Said Camille."

We all walked out leaving them their. We can hear Klaus yelling at Freya to do the spell.

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