Chapter 20

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Mikelson POV

Rebekah pick a door and We got sucked in.

Memory 2

We we're outside in the woods. It was a full moon. We heard screaming so we followed the sounds.

We cane up and saw three people. "Dad it hurts. Said Lily." "Hey hey its ok it's going to be alright. Said Derek." "That's Lily. Said Hope."

Klaus growled as his daughter called that man dad. "You can do this Lily. Said Lydia." "Yeah I got this mom. Said Lily." Hayley flashed her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you Lily I love you. Said Derek." "I love you guys too. Said Lily." Klaus and Hayley envied Derek and Lydia for being their with Lily instead of them.

With a couple more screams she turned into a wolf. It was a grey wolf with yellow eyes. "Run free my littlest wolf. Said Derek."

The wolf ran off. "She has a beautiful form. Said Bexs." "Yeah she does. Said Hope." She envied her sister for having her mother's wolf form.

"Her form looks just like mine. Said Hayley." "Yeah it does. Said Elijah." We got kicked out.

Memory over

We we're in the hall again. "I'm picking this time. Said Hayley." She picked a door.

Memory 3

We we're in a girls room. We looked around and saw a crying Lilith. Hope smirked a little at her crying.

A lady walked in. "Mom go away. Said Lily." "I'm not leaving tell me what happened. Said Lydia."

Hayley flashed her eyes again. "Chris told Julia he loved her right infront of me and he never loved me. Said Lily."

Klaus got angry that someone hurt her. Hayley envied Lydia. "Listen your gonna fall in love so many times which will bring you one step closer till you find the one. Said Lydia."

"Mom that's fairytale talk. Said Lily." Before anyone said anything a boy ran in. "Omg. Said Lydia." The boy had had blood all over him.

"Enzo. Said Lily." "What happened to you. Said Lydia." "Well after you left with Chris I may have hit him till he was unconscious. Said Enzo."

"I like this one. Said Klaus." He sat with her. "Are you ok. Said Enzo." "I'm fine but your all bloody. Said Lily." "I'll do anything for you Lily. Said Enzo."

"You we're right. Said Lily." "I know I was but it's not your fault Lily. Said Enzo." "What happened to him. Said Lily."

"Oh he's in the hospital in critical condition. Said Enzo." She stared at him. "C'mon he deserves it. Said Enzo." She shook her head at him. We got kicked out.

Memory over.

Hayley was mad and sad she wasn't the one to help her over the heartbreak. Klaus was happy that boy put the kid in the hospital.

"I'll pick now. Said Hope." She said hoping to find an embarrassing one of her to make fun of.

Memory 4

(Ric=Chris Hope=Lily.)

Hope stopped smiling when she saw everything she did. While everyone else stood their amazed at her. "She's good. Said Bexs." "Of course she is she's my daughter. Said Klaus."

Hope began to feel jealous of her. Because they keep talking about her yeah she misses her but not that much.

"Next one. Said Hope." She played it off. "I'll pick. Said Freya."

Memory 5

We appeared in the same room from another memory. Lily started to scream which caused people to run in.

"What's the matter. Said Derek." The girls saw something and kicked the boys out. "Mom I'm dying. Said Lily."

"No your not you started your period it's a monthly thing don't worry. Said Lydia." "I'm still bleeding I'm dying. Said Lily."

The laughed at her dramatic self. "Go shower we'll put your clothes in the bathroom. Said Lydia." She got up and took a shower.

She walked out and sat down in a chair. "So you got your period it'll be for a couple days 7 max sometimes or its get short. Said Allison." She nodded. "So it's monthly. Said Lily."

"Yes it is. Said Malia." "Oh so like a wolf thing. Said Lily." They stared at her. "Yknow every full moon a wolf transform. Said Lily." "Kinda like that. Said Malia."

"So I'm like a wolf then. Said Lily." "What no your not a wolf. Where did you get that from. Said Lydia." "Well I'm getting it every month so i have to be wolf. Said Lily."

We we're laughing at her. "Luv yes your a wolf but you haven't broken your curse. You get your period once a month ok. Said Lydia." She nodded. "And your spending to much time with Stiles. Said Allison."

She stared at them and we got kicked out.

Memory over.

We we're back in the hall again. "Lets move on. Said Elijah." We nodded.

Memory 6

"Oh wow. Said Bex." "Wait she's just a tribrid where did she get that from. Said Hope." "We don't know Hope. Said Hayley."

Hope was furious it wasn't her who had those powers. "She's powerful. Said Klaus." "Yeah she is. Said Elijah." "One last one. Said Freya." "I'll pick said Klaus."

Memory 7

(Francis=Enzo Mary=Lily)

We we're shocked she had already gotten married. "She's married. Said Hayley." Hayley was sad she missed her own daughters wedding.

Klaus was mad he didn't get to walk her. We got out of her memories and back on the plane. We just landed and we decided to go to the hotel first.

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