Chapter 21

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Lilith's POV

"Please just come home. Said Hayley." "We weren't trying to scare you. Said Klaus." "I'm scared id rather risk my life then spend the rest of my life their."

"I don't belong their that place ain't my home. I was trapped their at least here I have a choice and I can make it out of my trapped self. I know that because that's exactly what I did."

"You can't count on me Lily. Said Hope." "No I can't the only one I can't count on is me you made sure of that many years ago Hope you had me fooled."

"Please just come back. Said Bexs." "No I'm not going back you guys can but I won't ever." I saw Enzo walk in. He walked over to me.

"Luv you alright your crying what's wrong. Said Enzo." "Nothing I'm fine what you doing home early." "Your mom called me are you sure your ok. Your cheeks their all red I can tell you we're crying what's wrong. Said Enzo."

I smiled at him. "I'm fine luv." He nodded even though he wasn't convince. "Where are my little girls. Said Enzo." "Upstairs I'm pretty sure my mom and Aunt Davina are feeding them."

He nodded. "Why don't you go check on them." He looked at me again. "No I'll stay here with you."

"Why did you leave and how. Said Elijah." "I don't remember how but I did it. I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty. I just felt endless nothingness "

They stared at me. "Luv who are they. Said Enzo." "Bio family." "Are they the reason your crying. Said Enzo." "Luv." "Did you guys make her cry. Said Enzo."

"Enzo it's fine I'm fine luv." He pulled me next to him. "Why we're you so scared of us. Said Elijah."

"Fear. It's the most basic human emotion. As kids we're afraid of everything. The dark, the bogeyman under the bed. And we pray for morning for those monsters to go away."

"Here's the thing about fear it's always their." "Please we can make this work. Said Hayley."

"When your family decides that you're nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash. Well I guess the best thing to do is prove them wrong. Right. Well I did prove you guys wrong."

"I have two amazing kids upstairs waiting for me to come and get them. And an amazing mother and father who loves me no matter what. I have an amazing family who raised me the way I am right now."

"So no I won't be going back with you guys. You can leave now because I won't change my mind not once." "Is that what you truly want. Said Klaus." "Yes it is now leave before I rip you all to shreds."

The others all walked out except Klaus he walked over to me and Enzo. He looked at Enzo. "Take care of her for me. Treat her well and good. Said Klaus."

He nodded. He looked at me and wiped my tears away. "I'm sorry for what happened that night. I wish I didn't do it I should've been a better father for you. But I wasn't now I must live with the consequences. Goodbye my littlest wolf. Said Klaus."

He kiss my head and vamp speed out of here. Enzo pulled me into a hug and I felt tears roll down my face. "Their gone luv its alright."

"Lets go get the girls." He smiled and we walked upstairs and grabbed the girls. "Look they look exactly just like you. Said Enzo." I smiled at him. I felt someone come behind me.

"Dad." "Yes princess it's me I'm glad you stood up to them. Said Dad." "You heard." "I saw you do it I'm so proud of you. Said Dad." "We all are. Said Stiles."

I turned around and saw them all standing their. Tears came down my face again and they all hugged me. "We're proud of you Lily. Said Mom." "I love you guys." "And we love you too. Said Everyone."

The Mikelson never came into their lives again. Enzo and Lily became king and queen of hell with their heirs running around.

But one thing appeared at Lilith's door step a bracelet. Their was a letter but no name it said. "My littlest wolf I'm proud of you." That was all. She already knew who it was from but decided to wear it still.

Klaus compelled some people to make sure no harm came near Lily and her family. He respected her choice and stayed away from her.

He would every now and then stop in town without her knowing and just look at her and look at his grandkids.

The End.

Thank you all for the support on this book hope you liked it.


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