Chapter 19

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Time Skip

Mikelson POV

It's been 19 years and we haven't found Lilith. It's been 9 years since we found out she's still alive. We been looking for her ever since then.

We're all sitting in the living room when Freya walks in. "I did it. Said Freya." "Did what sister. Said Elijah."

"Found Lilith. Said Freya." We all looked at her. "How. Said Klaus." "May have done some black magic but I found her. Said Freya."

"Show us you can be lying. Said Hayley." "Hold hands and form a circle. Said Freya." We got into a circle and she started to chant some spell.


We appeared in a room it looks like an adults room. A guy and girl walked in. "Babe no." "Why not it'll be fun." "What about the kids."

"Your parent's can watch them." "No next week when I'm off of work and the kids will be at my parents and we'll be alone." "Fine fine fine. But prepare for next week then." "I'm a Tribrid I'm always prepared."

"Well be even more prepared for the time of our lives."

Memory over.

We all looked at each other. "She's beautiful. Said Bexs." "How do you know it's her. Said Hope." "Theirs only two Tribrid in the world you and Lilith. Said Klaus."

"Where is she. Said Hayley." "Beacon Hills. Said Freya." "Pack your things we're leaving we'll fly. Said Klaus."

They all quickly left the living room and went to pack. They we're all excited to get the youngest Mikelson back.

They all walked in the plane and sat down. "Where's Kol. Said Bexs." "He had things to do so he won't come but he'll be excited when we surprise him with her. Said Klaus."

They all agreed. "Aunt Freya can you show us more. Said Hope." "Yeah just need Klaus and Hayley's blood. Said Freya."

They quickly gave her their blood and she started to chant again. We all appeared in a white all full of her memories.

"These are all of her memories. Said Freya." Klaus walked over and picked a door which they all got sucked in.

Memory 1

We appeared in a bathroom. We walked around then saw a girl and boy. "I think that's Lilith. Said Bexs."

She came in crying and the boy grabbed some wet paper towels and started to clean her face.

"She hates me my Aunt hates me. Said Lily." "No no she doesn't. Said Enzo." "And what abo-" "shh it's ok let's just get the blood off ok. Said Enzo."

He started to wipe her face. She started to wipe her hands too. "I'm a murderer and a monster. Said Lily." "Lily your emotions are heighten right now from the transformation this I completely normal. Said Enzo."

"God why does this keep happening to my face I'm hideous. Said Lily." She was covering her face. "Lilith look at me look at me. Look at my face. Said Enzo."

Veins appeared in his face. "When you feel the blood rushing your gonna tell yourself that your gonna get through it. Said Enzo."

"That your strong enough." She shook her head. "Yes yes. No matter how good it feels to give yourself over it you fight yourself off you burn it watch me bury it. Said Enzo."

He veins went away. She calmed down. "Their their your ok. Said Enzo." "Where are the girls. Said Lily." "With your parents their safe. Said Enzo."

Memory over.

We got kicked out of the memory. "So she's a full Tribrid now. Said Bexs." "I guess so. Said Hayley."

"He seemed nice and cute. Said Hope." "Yeah he was nice to help her through it. Said Freya." "Next one. Said Hayley."
Rebekah walked to a door and picked one.

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