Chapter 6

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Lilith POV

I woke up from my nap. I saw Derek was still holding me while they all talked. I kept my head still on his shoulder.

I just listened to them talk. Then I decided to lift my head up. "Your up. Said Derek." "Yeah." He nodded. They all looked at me. "Lily. Said Lydia." "Yeah." "Your gonna be staying with Derek. Said Allison." I looked up at him and he smiled.

"With him." "Yeah unless you want to stay with one of us. Said Allison." "No it's fine." "Perfect now you will come with us because your gonna need clothes. Said Lydia." She walked over and picked me up.

"Where we going." "Getting you some clothes. Said Malia." "Oh." "Here take my card and get her what she needs. Said Derek." He handed Lydia the card. "Ok see you guys in a little bit. Said Lydia."

We took off. She buckled me in the back and they droved off. We arrived at the mall and went inside a store. I held Lydia's hand the entire time not wanting to get lost.

They showed me some outfits I really liked them.

We been here for a couple hours and I'm tired. "We done I'm tired." "Yes let's go little one. Said Malia." Lydia grabbed my hand and we left.

We arrived back at the house and we walked in. "Your finally back. Said Scott." "Yup. Said Lydia." I walked over to Derek and he picked me up.

"What's wrong. Said Derek." "I'm tired we went shopping for so long." They laughed. "You were only gone 2 hours Lily. Said Liam." "Still long."

"Where's your mom Scott. Said Allison." "She went to work she'll be home tonight. Said Scott." I laid my head on his shoulder. He walked over to the girls. He said something to them then gave them something and they left.

"Ok Lily you'll be ok with them. We will be right back ok. Said Lydia." "Yeah I'll be fine." They nodded and left. "Where they going." "I don't know. Said Stiles." Derek sat down and pulled a blanket over me.

"Better your not cold. Said Derek." "No I'm not cold anymore." It was kinda cold in the house. I was slowly falling asleep on his shoulder.

Derek's POV

I sent Lydia Allison and Malia to go set up a room for Lilith and so they can put her clothes away and whatever else she got. While we stayed with her.

The boys looked at me. "Is the great Derek Hale going soft. Said Stiles." "Shut up." I looked and saw her asleep I smiled to myself. "My god your going soft for her. Said Stiles." "Shut up she's asleep."

It's been a couple hours and the girls finally came back. "All done. Said Lydia." "Shh she's asleep." They smiled and handed me my keys back. "We set up a car seat in your car for you. Said Malia."

I nodded. It was getting dark so we better get going already. "Were gonna get going already." "You need help. Said Lydia." "No it's fine i got it." I said goodbye and we left. I buckled her up and drove off.

We got to my loft and and I unbuckled her she was still asleep. I unlocked the door and walked in. Luckily I just furnished the loft a couple days ago.

I walked in the room and smiled. She's gonna love it.

I laid her on the bed and covered her

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I laid her on the bed and covered her. I added an extra blanket so she won't be cold. I gave her a kiss on the head. "Night Lily." Then walked out.

Their was a night light in the room by the bed. I laid down and got ready for bed and went to sleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I also heard thunder outside it must be raining outside. "Derek." I opened my eyes and saw Lilith infront of me.

"What happened." "I'm scared can I lay with you. Said Lily." I smiled but she couldn't see it because it was dark. The bed was bigger then her. She was a short midget. "Yeah c'mon." I helped her up.

She laid right next to me. She was freezing cold. "You cold." "Yeah. Said Lily." I pulled her closer to me so she won't be cold anymore. "Get some sleep Lily." "I'm scared still. Said Lily."

"It's ok I'm right here I'll be right here when you wake up." She laid her head on my chest. "Get some rest Lily." She nodded. "Night Lily." "Night dad. Said Lily." I didn't expect that from her.

I smiled to myself and gave her a kiss on the head. "Night littlest wolf." I smiled one more time and fell asleep.

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