Chapter 8

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Lilith POV

The past week has been good. I stayed by Lydia's and Derek's side everyday. I grown closer to them two along with Stiles.

We are going to the see the pack today. They had to talk about something so since I'm with Derek I'll be tagging along with him.

I walked out of my room and saw him waiting for me. "Ready. Said Derek." "Yeah." I ran over to him and he picked me up. "Lets go. Said Derek."

We walked out the house and to the car. He buckled me up and got in and drove off. "Where to." "To Scott's house munchkin. Said Derek." "Is Lydia gonna be their." "Yes she is don't worry they all will be their. Said Derek."

I nodded. We arrived at the house and I unbuckled myself and ran inside. I opened the door and ran over to Lydia. "Woah hello to you to Lily. Said Lydia." "You left me. Said Derek." "Sorry just missed Lydia."

They laughed. "Did he dress. Said Lydia." "Yeah." "He did a good job. Said Malia." "You look just like him. Said Allison." I smiled at them. "No hug Holly. Said Stiles."

I turned around and saw him waiting for me to hug him. I walked over and hugged him. I pulled away and walked back over to Derek. He picked me back up.

"What are we doing today." "Well we signed you up for school because your only 8. Said Lydia." I stared at her. "What no I have school I don't need it."

They all laughed. "Pumpkin you need it. Said Melissa." "No I don't I hate it." "Well it's gonna help you get a job when your older. Said Lydia."

"When do I start." "Today so let's go. Said Allison." I stared at them but we started to walk out and we left to a school.

We arrived infront of the school it was big. We got out and made our way inside to the office. "Hello this our daughter Lilith today is her first day. Said Lydia." "Yes I'll be right with you so i can show her to her classroom. Said Office Lady."

She walked off and i turned to the others. "I don't want go i wanna stay home with you guys." Derek and Lydia kneeled infront of me. "We will see you at 2 ok it will be fun. Said Lydia."

"Make friends ok. Said Derek."

Derek's POV

We had to send her off but she didn't want to go. "I don't want to go I wanna stay home with you dad. Said Lily." I smiled at her.

"I will pick you up at 2 ok." She made a sad face. "Don't be sad pumpkin it will be alright ok we love you and we will see you at 2. Said Lydia." She nodded.

Lydia gave her a hug and kiss. I pulled her into a hug. "I will see you at 2 littlest wolf." She hugged me tighter. "I'm gonna miss you dad. Said Lily."

"All right let's go. Said Office Lady."  She walked over to Lily she put her hand out for her. She hugged me once more. "Go make some friends." I smiled at her.

She grabbed the lady's hand and they walked off. We left the school. Me and Lydia came in the car together. We got in and drove off. "She called you dad. Said Lydia." "Yeah it's not the first time either."

She looked at me. "What do you mean. Said Lydia." "The first night she called me dad." "That's good she's making progress. Said Lydia." "Yeah it is."

We went back to the house to the other's and went over some things and what we have to change now since Lily is gonna be with us.

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