Chapter 17

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Lilith's POV

I decided I wasn't gonna cry over him. He doesn't deserve it. I sat up and saw Enzo asleep on the floor. I stared at him admiring him.

"You can stop staring now. Said Enzo." "Shut up." He laughed. "What are you gonna do today. Said Enzo." I didn't really have any plans to do.

"Hanging out with my best friend." "Who. Said Enzo." "You dummy." "Oh yeah. Said Enzo." I threw a pillow at him and he just laughed.

"C'mon let's head downstairs." He nodded. We got up and walked out the room.

We walked in the kitchen and my dad looked at me. "Do I need to kill him. Said Dad." "No dad you don't I'm sure Enzo already has."

"He's in the hospital. Said Enzo." We all looked at him. "Atta boy. Said Kol." "Uncle Kol." He stared at me.

"He deserves it Lil's. Said Kol." "Good job Enzo. Said Dad." I shook my head while he laughed. We ate some breakfast.

We finished and I got dressed and we left. We decided to go for a walk around town. He held my hand the entire time which is normal we always hold hands.

"Luv where to. Said Enzo." I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Um I don't know." "Wanna just walk around. Said Enzo." "Yeah." I smiled at him.

It's been a couple hours me and Enzo has been walking around more like Enzo has he's carrying me. Then I get a call from my dad.

"Hold my dad is calling me." I jumped off his back and answered it. "Hey dad." "Lily come to the hospital quickly. Said Dad." "Woah dad what's going on is mom ok."

"She's fine just get to the hospital something happened with Camille. Said Dad." I hung the phone up. "We have to get to the hospital now." "Ok let's go. Said Enzo."

We quickly got to the hospital.

(Allison=Lily Chris=Derek)

Derek's POV

Lily was breaking down in my arm's. Enzo went to get Lydia to try and calm her down. "Shh it's ok princess." She was still crying then Lydia walked over and saw her.

"Hey hey luv come here. Said Lydia." She pulled her into a hug. "It's ok it's ok. Said Lydia." "It's all my fault. Said Lily." "No it's not it's not your fault."

"But it is if I wasn't out tod-" "it's not your fault do you hear me it's not your fault. She told us to tell you don't blame yourself. You can't always save everyone Lily. It's not your fault. Said Lydia."

"Lets go home." "No no I can't. Said Lily." "Hey hey follow us." We walked outside of the hospital into the woods. "What's wrong." "I can't I can't go home. Said Lily."

"Why can't you. Said Lydia." "Because I can't. Said Lily." "Your scared someone's gonna get hurt. Well your wrong no one is getting hurt."

"Lily nothing is gonna happen. Said Lydia." She started to look around. "What you looking for." She didn't say anything. "Step back. Said Lily."

"Why." "Just do it. Said Lily." We stepped back. Then fire appeared in her hands. "Lily. Said Enzo." "Control it Lily. Said Lydia."

She stood still. "I-I think I got it. Said Lily." "That's good that's good. Said Lydia." It got bigger in her hands. Which caused her to freak out.

It started to go on the ground. "Lily calm down." "I can't. Said Lily." Then she fell to the ground and the fire went out. "Lily." I ran over to her.

"Lily wake up." "She's fine she's just under a sleeping spell she'll be ok. Said Davina." I looked up and saw her. I picked up Lily.

"How did you know that was gonna work. Said Lydia." "I didn't I was hoping It would. Let's get her back to the house. Said Davina." I nodded and we left.

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