Part - VII

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"Stop sulking." I scolded to the pouting Joong who was not really doing any help in packing my luggage.

"I am not sulking." He denied stomping his feet loudly as he sat on the bed.

"Yeah I can see that." I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Why do you have to go alone? I could have accompanied you." He said slowly folding my shirts that were to be packed in the suitcase.

"Joong you have work here. Why would you miss those to accompany me? And I can go alone." I tried to make him understand for the umpteenth time.

He had a shooting with Dome today and I didn't have a schedule for the upcoming two days so I decided to visit my mother since she has been nagging me a lot recently to go and visit her.

"But what if someone abducts you?" He spoke seriously putting the last shirt in my bag. I sat on top of the suit case to help him zip it and looked at him narrowing my eyes.

"What am I? A 6 years old boy?"

"No but see you are so small. I am really worried about your safety." He replied in the same serious tone finally zipping the bag and plopping his elbows on the bag beside my legs so that I need to look down to talk with him.

"Spill the truth Joong. Say that you will miss me." I said placing my hands on his neck pulling him dangerously close to me. I myself was surprised how easily I could flirt with him and be so close to him. Although there was still that tingling feeling but it was ignorant.

"No. I wouldn't miss you. I was..its just.." He scrambled for words making me smirk at him. "I would have to deal with Dome alone if you won't be there so..."

"Liar." I said pushing him away and getting down from the suitcase to get ready myself. He didn't say anything after that just followed me around as I dressed myself up.

"Okay bye. Take care." I bid him a small goodbye suddenly feeling a bit sad. He nodded getting down from the car and joining Dome who was standing in front waiting for him.

I waved at Dome who waved back at me giving his dimpled smile. Joong didn't wave back though as he stared at me and then both of them started walking inside.

I held the steering ready to leave but this time a different set of sadness crawled its way up to my heart as I watched them walking inside happily.

What was this? And why was this? I sighed looking away from them and breathing in and out to ease the feeling somehow. Why was it hurting so much?

I was a bit too focused on myself that when I heard a knock at my window I almost jumped up before realizing that it was Joong.

I sighed again rolling my window down to see why he came back?

"Did you leave something?" I asked faking a smile.

He nodded. "What?" I asked searching for the thing. "Where?" I asked confused because I couldn't find anything.

"Nine get out." He said not answering my question and I doubtfully exited my car to be engulfed in a tight hug. I was too shocked to even react at first before I hugged him back feeling the pain that I was feeling easing on its own.

"Drive safely. And you too take care of yourself. Goodbye." He whispered in my ears before breaking the hug and running inside not giving me a second glance.

For some reason I couldn't hold back the smile that I was trying to hide. I bit my lower lip still standing on my place remembering how he came back and hugged me. And with a very happy heart I set out to drive to my house.

I was halfway to my house when suddenly I got a call from none other than Joong making me smile even wider. How am I gonna control my smiles if he behaves like that?

I received the call putting it in my car's speaker. "Someone already misses me. I see." I teased him.

"Stop dreaming." He replied grumpily.

"Ahha so why this bad mood?" I asked.

"Dome is irritating me too much."

"Why what did he do?" I chuckled.

"He is annoying me asking about our relation." He said and from the other side I could hear Dome shouting something which seemed like denying what Joong was telling.

"Shut up." Joong spoke to Dome and suddenly I could hear a laughter and then it was Dome who was on the phone.

"Hey Nine don't listen to him. It is him who is constantly irritating me telling about you. He is really worried about you." I was really in dilemma whether to laugh at that or feel happy because Joong was talking about me.

"And you know he even saw a boy like your height and thought that it was you." Dome continued complaining to me about Joong while the latter was just giving out frustrated cries on the background and this time I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"So what? I am really worried about him. What if he gets kidnapped?" Joong finally intervened getting a hold of his phone.

"Joong I can't believe. Are you dumb? Is he a baby that he would get kidnapped?" Dome muttered from behind.

"Joong now I am absolutely sure that you really miss me." I said chuckling.

"Yes I miss you. Because I'm used to being with you." He confessed making me speechless. I just hummed. "I am used to tackling your stupidities and craziness." He continued and I pouted angrily.

"Joong I hate you." I said pouting.

This time he chuckled before replying back "It's okay as long as I love you."

And this time I was sure that it was my heartbeat that I could hear so fast. This was just a Joong antic I knew but why did it feel so real?

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