Part - XXI

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I tapped my fingers on the back of my phone impatiently staring at the glass door of the cafe, where I was currently seated waiting for Liuyu to show up. He had messaged me early in the morning telling me to meet him here in this cafe to talk with him, something personal that cannot be said in the set. 

And I wasn't that much of a fool to understand what can be the personal thing related to. It obviously was something about Nine. And I knew a conversation was pending between us after they reappeared, but just couldn't get that chance.

Finally he appeared, his eyes roaming around until it landed on me sitting inside the private area. He walked up to my table, his face void of any emotion and made himself comfortable opposite to me. Not a single word uttered as he stared at me almost trying to burn me down with that gaze. 

"Let's talk." I finally found my voice as I motioned to start the conversation rather than just looking at each other's faces.

"Did Nine tell you something in the party?" He took the hint directly coming to the point. 

"Yes he did." I replied shortly.

"And what was that? What did he say?" He studied me suspiciously.

"He..he said that he still loves me..and he wants to be back like how we were." I replied a little bit uncomfortably. 

"Look Joong he was drunk at that time an-" I cut him off.

"I know he was drunk and that's why he said those things which are not true. I know it was all just a slip." I expected him to agree to me but as I looked at him his face was crumpled with confusion evident in his eyes.

"You what?! Joong do you have any idea what you are saying? The things that Nine told you, you think they were not true?" He asked with the same expression but now more like disbelieving.

"Yes. I know that. I know that he doesn't like me any more. And he left me because of that only right? Because he had started liking you?" I spoke the last part just louder than a whisper feeling my own heart hurt. 

"Thats bullshit. From where the fuck are you getting these illogical assumptions? Tell me are you blind or dumb or no I think both. Believe me Joong all I want to right now is bury you alive. Just for the sake of Nine and his unconditional love towards you, you are still sitting here properly." He said in a calm voice but the fury behind those words didn't miss to terrorize me. 

"But isn't it the truth?" I didn't knew from where I got the courage but I argued.

"Just another time you say that and you are dead. You think he loves me or we are a thing? Are you that stupid Joong? Do you know how much he loves you and that he had even attempted suicide by jumping off the stairs? His left leg still can't function properly. And you know why he did that? When I asked him he said that he felt guilty that the guilt was eating him alive just because he was the one who walked away from your relation although the fault was yours." He was raging in anger. I couldn't speak up still absorbing everything inside me. Suicide?! That was the most hard thing to believe. 

"Wait let me tell you more. There didn't pass a single night when he slept peacefully without crying or mumbling in his sleep how much he missed you or how much he loved you. He used to have nightmares scaring in the beginning. He wouldn't talk, wouldn't sleep. And you the reason why? He said that he felt disgusted in himself. That wasn't his ego that forced him to leave you but his self respect that you had sucessfully shatered into crumbs by slapping him infront of everyone. He didn't knew how to face you again after that." He grabbed a glass of water chugging it down in one go before continuing again.

"But you know the most funny thing among all? He still couldn't unlove let alone forget. He still loves you like crazy and if not more, he still loves you like the way he did 2 years ago. He still wears your earrings even if he doesn't have anyone to show that to. He still sings the song both of you used to sing everyday like a routine even if there is no one to listen to it. He still has your picture as his lockscreen even if you are not with him. Now tell he doesn't make any sense or that we are a thing." He finished it with a deep breath.

"Believe me Joong if only I hadn't witnessed the pain he beared or the desperation in him I wouldn't have brought him back to a bugger like you. It was just for his wish in his birthday that you got to meet him again but hey congrats you ruined the chances very efficiently again. And- oh wait where do you think you are going without letting me complete?" He called me back but I had already bolted up from the chair breaking into a run.

"JOONG ARCHEN AYDIN COME BACK HERE THIS SECOND. We are not finished yet." He shouted from my back but I simply ignored him. There were few more questions to be answered. 

And I ran to find those, to my next stop. Dome's house.

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