Part - X

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Baby did you get lunch? I read the message as it said.


Hahaha I just wish I could see your face right now.

Anyway I just finished shooting what about you?

One last shot left. I typed quickly.

Alright give your best. Su su na. I smiled reading the message.

He had gone to shoot in an advertisement while I was filming our series. This was the last shot for our entire series that got delayed because of my small accident (that Joong fabricated to the director as a big accident almost killing me in his story). The shot included me, Ben, Pavel and Dome so the rest were not there although I bet Joong would have followed if he didn't have a schedule.

Oh did I mention Liuyu was also there in the set? Well I got to know that he was the nephew of our director also studying film making. He was just a year younger than me. We had been hanging out recently and it is really fun talking with him. He is so caring and so cute, even Joong likes him. But he definitely has a lot of confidence. And with his face he could easily stand as a model.

"Stop smiling or your teeth would come out." Liuyu teased me peeking into my phone. I slid the phone back to my pocket sticking my tongue out to him for which he just shook his head chuckling.

"By the way get ready for the shot Uncle is calling." He said smirking not before pulling my nose once and then jogging away to inform others, before I could complain.

Well speaking of the others, Dome has suddenly started distancing himself from us or maybe only me, I don't know. And Pavel is now literally ignoring Dome everywhere. If Dome walks into the room Pavel will immediately walk out. Ben on the other hand was acting cool as if he couldn't see the things. I was deciding in between whether to ask him or to ask Dome himself about what was going on. And finally I also chose being neutral just like Ben.

Probably I should just ask Joong about it. I thought settling for the best solution but then again Joong seemed to careless about them. It was like all of them – Ben, Joong and Earth knew everything and that's why didn't get curious. And Joong was although closest to both of them but recently he would get angry whenever I mentioned Pavel or Dome's name in a conversation. So the plan cancelled. Same goes for Earth, he was a good friend of Dome but he also was not minding them. So not even him.

The last one left was Ben so I would ask him after the shoot is over I thought. And just as the shoot was over I found myself scooting over to Ben to feed my curiosity.

"Hey Ben." I whispered softly. He looked up at me from over his phone in confusion.

"Yes Nine?"

"Ben can I ask you something?" I asked whispering again and he hummed.

"Do you know what happened to Dome and Pavel?" And I knew that he knew something because his expression quickly changed into a serious one.

He pressed his lips probably deciding whether he can tell me or not and I waited patiently for him to think.

"Uhm Nine didn't Joong tell you anything?" He asked hesitantly and I immediately shook my head.

"Well you know right that Dome has feelings for Pavel?" He asked and although I didn't knew it for sure I had guessed this.

"Yes yes." I agreed nodding.

"So well Pavel got to know about Dome's feelings and he is uncomfortable with it. He can't accept this and cannot be more than a friend to Dome." He said making me understand everything. Oh so this was the reason.

Now it made sense. I looked up at Ben again to find him staring at me. He quickly diverted his eyes pressing his lips again. I knew there was something else too that Ben was hiding from me but I didn't push him more. I was glad that he shared this much, I may not want to irritate him now with my curiosity.

"Nine I am sorry I can't tell you more. It's for your own good. And don't worry about them they will go back to being friends sooner. It's quite natural for them." I smiled at him but internally stressing even more about what he said. Why would it be for my good? How was I connected to their problem?

"Ai' Nine let me drop you home." Liuyu pulled me out of my thoughts walking over to us.

"Oh hi Ben." He smiled at Ben who returned smile waving at him.

"Alright Ben I'll be going." I said waving at him to join Liuyu.

"Yeah yeah if Joong was here he would have gone crazy watching us chat." Ben teased me laughing and I couldn't argue with that because after officially becoming boyfriends if anything has changed it was Joong's possessiveness. Earlier if he would sulk watching me talk with anyone now he would just pull me away with him and warn everybody to not look at me. Huh he has become over possessive.

If he could have put a stamp on my head with his name he would be finally satisfied.

I just laughed at Ben and walked out to get up in Liuyu's car who had got the duty of my driver in Joong's absence.

And with that I almost forgot about the matter of Dome and Pavel.

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