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Ashwin's heart jumped out of shock. He felt an unfathomable feeling. His eyes turned red. His breath was loud. He forcefully grabbed vihaan's collar and pulled him closer.

Ashwin: "avaluku enna?" His eyes are burning.
(Whats with her?)

Ashwin still couldn't wrap his head around. Sivaangi is in danger? How can someone think of harming a person like her? Is she okay? Where is she now? I wont let anything to happen to her! His mind is going crazy in a second.

Vihaan didn't uttered a word if ashwin finds out this is because of vihaan's gang then its a problem.

Ashwin pushed him away and Started to run towards sivaangi's place. Uday came running towards ashwin.

Uday: "sivaangi ava room la ila da"
(She is not in her room)

Ashwin didn't expected this. Uday knows she is in trouble. So this can't be a fake one. That 1% hope he had that this could be fake is now vanished. Ashwin's heart said she must be in his place. He gathered himself up and started to run towards his room. While running he just prayed to god that nothing should happen to her. His eyes blurred everysecond even after the million wipe he did to get rid of his tears. His eyes was searching for her despite of the blurry sight. He never panicked like this before. It was too much for him to take. He finally reached his place.

Vihaan: "call pani avangala thirumba vara solu sekram don't waste your time"
(Call them and ask them to come back.)

Shanaya called them. No one picked the call. Vihaan told zain to call them. No answer. Vihaan knows if anything happens to ashwin's girlfriend he will dig up everyone behind it and make sure they are dead. So he can't give a chance. Vihaan wanted to reveal what real shanaya is to ashwin to save their group.

Vihaan: "enna shanaya elame nee panitu en mela atha elam potralam nu pathiya?"
(What shanaya you thought you will get away from this that easily after doing everything in my name?)

Shanaya: "vihaan don't do this"

Vihaan: "ila ila avan una kolratha nan en kanala paka pora" he grabbed her neck and started to drag her.
(No no im gonna watch him kill you)

Vihaan: "you know what shanaya. We do all the illegal stuffs but we have restricted ourselves from doing anything against women. You know why?" He paused and looked into her eyes. "Because if you hurt a women with a good heart karma will screw you even before you realise your mistake. But being a girl you tried to hurt another girl. So you fall under the filthy category. So i don't think karma will screw me for screwing you"

Ashwin broke in his house. Looked at every room she wasn't there. Then only he realised she had spare keys for that huge villa inside this resort with her. Ashwin started to run again uday went behind him.

Sivaangi heard something falling inside her house. She knew every door and the window was locked. And there is no chance for any animal since this is the highly maintained resort. She knew something was wrong. Those thugs didn't know she was sitting outside. They entered from the back thinking she will be inside. But her luck she was waiting outside for ashwin. Sivaangi slowly moved herself and look inside the window. There was a little curtain opening she looked inside through it. She saw someone inside. She knew by that time this is all because of shanaya. She started to run towards ashwin's room but some of them who was waiting outside to watch if someone else come caught her while running. Sivaangi couldn't run. they were strong she struggled to remove the hold. She started to scream seeing her scream they stuffed a cloth in her mouth. A girl alone at night admist of all these bad guys is really a nightmare. But 10 members were inside the house only three of the saw sivaangi one went inside to inform the rest of the gang. She wanted to escape. She rotated her hand one the right side he didn't expected that she will try to run from their hold since she seemed weak. But when she rotated her hand she easily took her hand out from the hold and poked her elbow in one persons neck. He couldn't focus on her since it have immense pain. On the other side she twisted his hand and smashed his feet. She is free now she started to run towards ashwin's place then she realised shanaya would know if she escapes she would go to ashwin. So she changed her direction and ran towards the huge villa they spent the night at. But she was broken inside she knew they are much more dangerous than they seem. She's losing her hope she didn't know they just came in the intention to confront her she thought they are gonna kill her.

She went near the villa and search for the keys also she is gasping for air at that point after running very fast. She couldn't get those keys as quick as she wanted. She struggled alot by that time few of those boys came there. She saw them from the distance. She got the keys after a lot of struggles. She went inside and locked the doors. She leaned on the door started to cry out of fear. When she took her phone out to call ashwin thats when she heard a loud bang on the door. She closed her mouth with her shivering hands. Her eyes widened in shock. Her brain gave shock all over her body. They found her. They guessed that she will be inside. After banging the door for few seconds they started to talk.

Guy 1: "ava ulla ponatha nan patha da"
(I saw her getting inside)

Guy 2: "dei odaichuru"
(Lets break in)

Guy 3: "iru da na elarayu vara solra"
(Wait dude ill ask everyone to come)

They again started to bang. But within a few minute it stopped. There was no lights it was pitch dark inside. How much can she handle by her own. Her hands started getting numb. She didn't know whats happening inside her body. She didn't want anything to happen to her not because she wanted it for her she wanted it for him. She knew it will break him. She slowly moved towards the pool hopeless.

Ashwin saw three of them standing before the huge villa. He couldn't control his anger towards them. No one could stand his anger. Ashwin bent down and pulled out the pathway garden light. Three of them turned around hearing that sound. They must have never seeing someone like this before. Ashwin looked like anubis the god of death. Without a second he smashed one guys head with the lamp. Other two of them taken aback by seeing him hit like that. Uday never seen him like this all these years. The second guy came towards him he grabbed his face and twisted it just like that he fell down.

Ashwin: "sivaangi enga?"
(Where is sivaangi)

Guy 3: "ul..ulla..ulla nan teriyama vandhuta vitru"
(She is inside please leave me i didnt came here purposely)

Ashwin: "oh apdiyaa"
(I see)

Ashwin started to slap him that guy fell down. He started to kick his stomach. And took the lamp again and started hitting his hands. He started bleeding like anything. Blood splattered everywhere.

Uday: "dei vidu da sethuruvan.. sivaangi ula irupa poi kuptu va"
(If you hit him one more time he will die. You got get sivaangi)

When ashwin heard sivaangi's name. He stopped hitting and ran inside to get her. He turned on the lights. Checked every room every closet everywhere. Uday came in started searching for her. Uday opened the glass doors which leads to pool he searched everywhere he still couldn't find her. They both came to the hall once again.

Uday: "sivaangi inga ila da enga poirupa"
(Sivaangi is not here, where has she gone)

Ashwin: "ila da ava ingatha iruka"
(No she is here)

Ashwin went outside to check once again followed by uday. He couldn't see her anywhere near. He couldn't handle the stress he wanted to let it out.

Ashwin: "sivaangiiiii!!!" He screamed.

His eyes squinted itself from the reflection of the diamond pendent which he gave to his love. It slowly floated it's way up from the pool.

Hope you guys like it💜
Next update soon!

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