Win back his trust

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Ashwin is now trying comprehend the come back of his own tenderness towards sivaangi. Because he feels penitence with his disagreeable words against her. Even though being impertinent might keep her away for sometimes now he is second guessing his own strength to be away from her. But he made his accord long time ago to stay away from her. He talked with roshan soon before going home to add her in the band. But he is dissatisfied with his own action because if she knows this she might again think he is still in love with her. When ashwin went home his mom and his sister asked him about sivaangi. Since he told them not to talk about sivaangi until she gets into college. His mom wanted to meet sivaangi so he asked ashwin to take them to her home. But ashwin refused to take them. Anu finally wanted to disclose everything with sivaangi. So she can't let this chance slip off. She irked him until he accepted. Ashwin wasn't comfortable going there after two years but still somewhere inside him the thought of going there gives him contentment but he disregards it. He usually diverts himself from her thoughts when ever it shows up but today he couldn't the feelings for her got magnified inside him. His heartache depressed him. Her eyes was the only thing he now remembers from the morning incident. They have so much history together even though the journey was short it felt almost impossible to erase her from his life.

They reached her home ashwin was a bit apprehensive about going inside but anu dragged him in. Sivaangi's mom welcomed them she was extremely happy to see ashwin after a long time. Sivaangi came out from the pooja room. She didn't expected ashwin. Anu hugged sivaangi and told her she needed to talk to her alone for sometime. Sivaangi was confused. Ashwin turned on the tv on the living room to see the badminton match. Ashwin's mom and sivaangi's mom both sat in the hall and started talking about sivaangi's first day and then the topic quickly shifted to anu's marriage. Anu and sivaangi was waiting for both mothers to complete their long term catching up. Sivaangi's mom wanted to show a new plant that they have imported to ashwin's mom so she took her upstairs. By that time anu wanted to eat so sivaangi served anu. Anu called ashwin knowing that he won't come if sivaangi calls him. Ashwin looked disturbed. He sat on the chair and looking down the plate. Sivaangi served him while he was looking at the television. It was dead silent so anu wanted to start a topic so she asked about first day in the college with sivaangi.

Anu: "first day epdi irundhuchu sivu?"
(how was your first day sivu?)

Siv: "first half okay new friends meet pana second half..."
(First half of the day was good met new friends but second half...)

Anu: "yea nalla pogalaya?"
(It didn't go well?)

Siv: "ourutar oda vengeance nala enaku elar munadi asingam airuchu"
(I felt ashamed before everyone because of one person's vengeance)

Anu: "enna solra yaru?"
(What are you saying because of whom?)

Siv: "vera yaru unga thambi tha"
(Your brother only)

Ashwin stood up and kicked the chair that he was sitting with a rage. Anu and sivaangi both were stunned by him. He washed his hands and went out. Sivaangi freaked out. Only then anu realised how serious this is. Anu immediately took her upstairs and they locked the room.

Anu: "sivaangi enaku elam teriyum"
(I know everything)

Siv: "etha solringa?"

Anu: "that night"

Siv: "you knew!" Tears rolled down her cheeks since that was the first time she felt relived after two years. Sivaangi was crying every night pray to god to send atleast one person to share her burden. Now is the time. She can let out the heaviness she's been carrying alone in her heart. Anu held her hands tight after giving her a tight hug. She wiped sivaangi's tears.

I do - An ashaangi story Part 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now