Taste your own medicine

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Breakup for someone who truly deeply in love is like a destruction. Everything changes after that it crushes the soul. The deep rooted faith gets disturbed. Sometimes the person feel like a maniac. If the person prioritize logic he or she might survive without any damage. But for a person like ashwin who even forgets how to breath without her it is solely a hell. He was unprepared for what sivaangi threw at him. That is why he don't believe in being like the person whom he used to be before. He changed him self may be on a defensive note but he is not the same ashwin. He burried the soft and kind character he had in him. His love turned him into a stone. He tried to fill the void by doing various things. Its not because he liked it its because it made him distract from his pain he felt in his heart. Life doesn't work as we planned. On the other side sivaangi knew what to expect after the breakup. She was hurt by her own words but still she managed to survive after the breakup. She didn't stopped loving him she never will. It is impossible for her to let someone else in her heart she can't even think about it. But since she made the decision she has to pretend like she was over him. If ashwin knew this could happen before he would have not let anything separate them. It wasn't easy. They both spent every night crying one did it out loud one did it quiet. Their heart has been broken there is no tranquillity in there. Living for someone who is long gone is love. Without expecting any thing in return. Loving someone when there is no hope. Trusting someone when all you hear and see is otherwise. Even if you are hurt you think about their happiness. These are the things you do when you are really in love. You won't gossip about them. You just love them irrespective of the ending. Ashwin never stopped loving her but he convinced him self that she hates him. That made hanging around with others a bit easy. He became way more aggressive. She became more matured. But still no one knows the future. So fate has to play its role.

Sivaangi and diya were in the same ECE department. Whereas ashwin is in EEE. Vihaan and uday is in IT. The first day for the freshers filled with auditions. They had auditions for sports, acting, singing, dancing, elocution etc. Diya tried to make sivaangi participate in signing audition held that afternoon but sivaangi wasn't ready. Somehow diya managed to take her to the audition. There were about 200 people in the room ready to give audition. Diya enrolled sivaangi's name. She tried to pick a song for her to sing. But all sivaangi did was to look around. Perhaps she wanted to see ashwin but he wasnt there. Vihaan came and sat behind them with few of his friends.

Vihaan: "enna patu pada pora?"
(What song you picked)

Diya: "she won't hear you she is busy looking for ashwin"

Siv: "shut up"

Vihaan: "oh are you really looking for him?"

Siv: "ila"

Diya: "Don't lie i know you"

Vihaan: "he told me that you gonna go back to him"

Siv: "what?" her heart started racing. She wasn't expecting this words. Even though she love him she never thought ashwin could feel this way after the turbulent breakup.

Vihaan: "will love patch up with him again?"

Diya: "bro she love him she can't hide it longer"

Vihaan: "then why did she broke up?"

Diya: "that i don't know but ashwin sivaangi is for ever"

Vihaan: "sivaangi"

Siv: "vihaan don't talk about him with me"

Diya: "minale song SPB's your favourite"

Siv: "okay"

Vihaan: "hey i wanna tell you something. I won't lie i had an attraction towards you but i confessed it only after your breakup with him. I thought you are not in love. But i don't think either of you have moved on. Im sorry for everything. Just let me be your good friend"

I do - An ashaangi story Part 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now