Tying my destiny with yours

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The wedding day everyone gathered at the church. It was decorated beautifully with white daisies everywhere. Tara maintained the surprise. She didn't revealed her to be husband with ashwin. Sivaangi and diya dressed in red plain gown with the white rose bouquet in their hands. They both looked like little fairies. They made their entrance infront everyone as tara mam's brides maids. They stood on the sides. That is when they saw the groom. He looked like the perfect match for tara. Sivaangi and diya were so happy for tara mam. Everyone stood up for the bride's entry. She came with the most slaying man in this world. Ashwin wore the black blazer. And looked absolutely stunning.

Tara: "thank you for doing this ashwin" she looked at him.

Ashwin: "i like the groom! good choice" he winked. Tara gave out a gleaming smile.

Sivaangi's eyes was on him. But she spared some time for looking at the bride. She looked like an angel in the white frock it added more purity to the church. She had her white with baby pink roses in her hand. Ashwin felt proud and happy for tara mam. He literally felt how it will be for every dads to give their daughters away. He was blessed to experience this feelings through tara mam. He looked at her while walking down the aisle. Tara's eyes was looking at everyone who have come. She felt emotional because she never had a family. She was all alone all her life until the man came to her life and gave what ever her real family couldn't. Ashwin looked at the groom once again. He loved him when he saw the tears came out of his eyes in love. Ashwin stood behind her in the other side. The minister read the bible and discussed about the importance of marriage and gave the guidance to the couples.

Minister: "do you take this man as your husband?"

Tara: "i do"

Minister: "do you take this woman to be your wife?"

Samuel: "i do"

Minister: "i now pronounce you husband and wife"

The vows has been exchanged and they tied the knot as per the tradition after the wedding rings. As the wedding rings suggested the endless love Ashwin and sivaangi manifested it in their life too when they showered their blessings to the bride and groom. The bouquet has been catched by diya. They all clapped and enjoyed when the bride tossed the bouquet over her shoulder. They immediately gathered at the reception hall. The couple lit the candle. And they cut the cake. Everyone started wishing. Ashwin sivaangi clicked pictures and started spending their time with everyone around. Diya and uday left after some time to get ready to the party at night. Ashwin and sivaangi stayed their till 2 in the afternoon. And made sure they talked with every relation of samuels. They left to the resort after giving the wedding presents to the couple. Samuel thanked ashwin for doing the give away. They reached after 15 minutes.

Ashwin: "you didn't say anything about my costume?" He sat on the sofa opposite to the bed.

Siv: "elar kannum unga melatha" she removed her bracelet.
(Everyones eyes were on you)

Ashwin: "what about my wife's?" He leaned on the wall before her near the mirror.

Siv: "i guess she liked it too" she tried to unclasp the necklace but it got stuck in her hair. He helped her even before she could ask.

Ashwin: "can we have a bath?"

Siv: "no ill bath after some time"

Ashwin: "now get in the tub with me. you should actually bath thrice a day when you are not feeling well"

Siv: "im completely fine now. And i can't get in the tub"

Ashwin: "why?"

Siv: "i just can't. Im going to bed" she was not in the mood to explain.

I do - An ashaangi story Part 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now