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"Her phone is switched off Akash. I have been trying it for the past 39 minutes." Arnav said frustrated, how in the hell did her phone went down.

"I told Aman to get my men to search for her, let's go in." Arnav strive into the building where the party was taken place. Everyone was paying attention to their environment.

"Hello Aman, have you found anything??" Arnav asked.

"WHAT!!" Arnav said in disbelief

"Those creatures, if I get hold of them." He gritted his teeth.

Meanwhile Khushi woke up and realized she was half naked and couldn't believe her eyes. She was tied to the bed.

"I see you've woken up Khushi." A man spoke and khushi realized she haven't seen him before.

"Who are you and what do you want from me." She was shivering with fear.

" don't worry I won't harm you." He smirked.

"If only you are being obedient enough, we are only taking pictures of you and  I in an erotic pose dear, failure to do so, I would shove this gun down your throat or better still let my men fuck the hell out of your friend who is across the next room." He threatened dangerously low and khushi shivered, Jeet. Arnav please help me, she thought to herself.

She saw another guy covered his face and a lady. They started to instruct them on how to pose. Khushi felt disgusted because of how the man was touching her. It took about one hour before everything was done and khushi was left there just then Arnav came in late, he was surprised to see his wife half naked on a bed shivering and crying.

"Khushi." Arnav whispered and she raised her teary eyes. Arnav was about to touch her when she flinched.

"Arnav i'm not pure, he touched me in a wrong way Arnav, his not my husband Arnav, he doesn't have the right Arnav, is you. What can I do?? I was threatened and now am impure Arnav, I should have listened to your advise, everything would have been okay." She broke into a fist of cries.

Arnav carried her in a bridal way and took her home.

Raizada Mansion

"Doctor, is she alright??" Arnav asked and he nodded.

"We should be glad nothing serious happened, I just gave her  a sleeping pill so she would get some rest, please report to me if you found anything unusual." The Doctor spoke and left.

"Would mom be okay?" Maya asked Arnav and he forced a smile.

"Yeah she would be." They went downstairs to have breakfast when Sheetal spoke, is been a while since he  saw her.

"I bet she seduced them to do what they did, why would a married woman go to a party alone without her husband if she doesn't have the mind to cheat on her husband, so pathetic she was molested, she deserves it, that would teach her a lesson." Sheetal taunts and Arnav pretend as if she didn't exist.

"Chandra when are you leaving, I thought you would be leaving." Dadi asked and Chandra chuckled.

"I didn't know you wanted me out of this house old lady, am leaving but not now, chill okay! Jeez granny." He said with a serious tone and Dadi shut her mouth.

"Excuse me." Chandra said before answering his call.

"Yes Surbhi dear." He spoke and left, Maya felt a ting in her heart when she heard him take a lady's name. Breakfast was a success and Arnav took khushi's own to their room.

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