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"You worthless child?" Arvind grinned.

"Your father was a good friend of mine Sheetal, I took you as my daughter and welcomed you in my family when your father went bankrupt and I took you in, took care of your education till you finished but what did I get in return? Betrayal shit hole. Your father planned everything to fake his bankruptcy so he would chill out with another woman in another country and left your mom pennyless that alone you didn't think of it Sheetal and took the cunning side of your father. Under my roof you planned so many things, don't you know I knew you were screwing Shyam but I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want you to see me as a bad cop but I had no idea you where working with those witches, If I had knew I wouldn't have left you the five crores in your account when they read my will..." He said and was interrupted.

"You did what?" Ratna and Dadi said and gasp.

"You cheater, you had five crores and I thought he left you with nothing, you decieved us." Ratna couldn't believe.

"How in the hell because the lawyer showed as the will." Dadi asked in disbelief.

"She slept with the lawyer ladies, she slept with him that was how I found out about her true characters. I was disheartened when I found out Arnav married her, I couldn't do anything and I was finally relieved he divorced her. But when Ratna realised khushi was Sakshi's daughter she immediately wanted help and took girl feet is her step sister. She said she wanted her to come and play the role of her long lost daughter but later changed their mind." He added.

"As for Anjali, she sleeps with my fellow friend, jumping from one man to another. That's her work." He finished.

"Ratna Malik you are under arrest for the murder of Samiji and attempted murder of Arvind Malik and many more. Surbhanati you are under arrest for being an assist in murder and master mind. Sheetal kapoor you are under arrest for assisted murder and assault." They took them all.

"You would pay for everything Arvind, I would make sure to take my revenge." Ratna screamed and Arvind scoffed.

"So Anjali you would be taken back to Lucknow, am providing you with a little apartment and money and a minor job, if I realized You've started your fornication again, you would pay dearly." Arvind spoke in threatening voice and she nodded.

The Raizada's didn't notice the mood between Chandra and khushi, they were all upset. Not upset with themselves or the new found truth but upset they where lied to during the childhood by an unworthy ladies.

Maya signaled his father and the family noticed.

"Let's give them some time." Sakshi whispered and everyone left Chandra and khushi.

It was awkward and khushi didn't know what to say so as Chandra but finally Chandra spoke.

"When you guys visited me in prison, you were kind of familiar to me, your eyes. I thought I saw you somewhere but I brushed it off." He spoke and when he realized he wasn't stopped,he continued.

"I don't think you would remember me happy." He said softly and khushi gasped.

"You now remembered the big brother who protected you from bullies, feeds you, bath you, taught you how to speak, taught you how to walk and tucks you to bed. You remembered Anghad." He said softly careful with his words and khushi gasped again. He raised his dress and khushi saw her childhood face on his chest and she gasped and he smiled.


Anghad was a reserve kid, most kid calls him rude and most teachers calls him disrespectful. He was too good to be called a kid in terms of intelligence, language and humbling himself. He hates when his fellow kids tries to drag him to play with them. When ever you see his colleagues playing Anghad is reading or learning a new skill or rather helping in doing chores.

He hates little babies because they make so much noise according to him.

"Hello children, today we have a new member who joined the family, a baby." Madhumati spoke and everyone smiled.

Everyone was taking a look at the but Anghad withdrew himself but immediately he heard the cry of the baby it was like a pull, he immediately went towards the baby crib. He stared at the baby and immediately the baby was curious and stopped crying to look at the new person. The little baby laughed on seeing Anghad, he immediately picked  her up and tickled her. The baby giggled, everyone was surprised.

"Hi, my name is Anghad, what's yours." He asked and the baby giggled.

"Any question I ask you giggle at me. You sound happy. Your name would be called happiness, happy. My khushi." He whispered and everyone gape.

"Madhu madam bring her belongings to my room, she would be staying with me from now onwards, no one should touch her. I am responsible for her wellbeing." He commanded and took khushi to his room.

2years later

"Awad am hungry." Khushi said in a baby voice.

"Come let me feed you." He fed her , washed her and tucked her to bed.

He protected her well and took care of her until what she dreaded happened.

"So you mean someone is taking you away from me." Khushi cried and Anghad couldn't see his baby cry.

"Shhh, I promise to look for you okay, am not going to be in Lucknow, they are taking me to Kolkata. You see this your picture am taking it with me. If I become a man I would draw you on my chest, your little face and I promise to find you." He consoled.

"And you would come back and marry me right?" She smiled showing her tooth and Anghad laughed, he ruffled her hair.

"Yes I would come back and marry you darling little baby." He pulled her cheeks and kissed all over her face and she giggled.

End  Flashback

"I waited for you but you never came back." Khushi whispered in tears.

"I did, I looked for you but the witch told me you where being adopted to a wealthy family and was sent to New York and I believed her. I married Aya and went to visit her parents that's when everything started." He informed.

"It feels somehow weird and awkward." She whispered and Chandra laughed whole heatedly.

"Weird you made me promise I would come back and marry you." He teased and she blushed. He was making fun of her.

The Raizada's heard the extreme laugh and came out from their hiding place, they all heard the conversation.

They saw a pouting khushi and a laughing Chandra.

"Should I kiss your lips my wifey." Chandra teased and khushi hit him and he laughed.

Everyone was surprised, they have never seen this side of Chandra since his stay, only small smile does all, even Payal was shocked.

"Not in my dictionary chandra, she is my wife and she's taken." Arnav fake threatened.

"Ahh Arnav if not because we didn't meet early we would have married before you met her because this lady here made me promised to marry me her when we grow up." He teased.

"I see, mother and daughter in the same boat." Akash teased.

"Where's Sakshi?" Chandra said and Arnav smiled.

"His with papa, catching up." He answered.

"Ohh, we wanted to talk to her." Chandra informed and Arnav nodded.

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