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"Come here." That was the only word he whispered.

"Huh?" She was confused. He took her hands and pulled her to himself. He hugged her and started petting her hair. She sniffled her cries.

"Is alright, just pour it out." Immediately the word left his mouth, she started crying like a baby, he sighed. He stroke her hair.

She finally was done and Chandra was to pull away and she held him tightly.

"Please, just this once uncle. At least after tomorrow I would be okay, at least I have gotten a little bit of what I have wanted.

"Maya......" He whispered

"Is okay I understand Uncle, you still love your wife even though she is not with you.  What would you do with a little girl like me. I don't mean to be snoopy but I heard you saying 'i love you' to someone you have finally fallen in love with someone your age. " She said sadly.

Before he opened his mouth she shush him.

"I don't want to hear anything, let's keep the rejection this way. Is better for me not to hear something that would disturb me.

She snuggled close to him and sniffed him and Chandra raised his brow. She ignored him and innocently started inhaling his hair and chest.

"Maya!" He scolded

"You smell very nice uncle, I use to think dad smelled nice till I met mom she smelled sweet and now you smell better than all of them. I love the smell but I don't know how to describe it." She giggled. He gulped and Maya frowned, she used her little fingers to brash his Adam apple and he held her hands.

"Maya." He warned with her eyes.

"Why? What? You've been calling my name since since, why? Maya what? Speak. Is annoying, you've ruin everything." She got annoyed and got up from him, she started murmuring how much he is a mood spoiler. She went towards her room and Chandra was calling her but she was too engrossed into her world. She went into her room.

"What a mood spoiler, he would call Maya.. that's all but won't say anything. Arrogant man, stupid me for liking a stone man." She whispered and laid on her bed.


It's a crime to feel your heartbeat going wild when a twelve year old hugs you. When she sniffed me I became stiff because I was betrayed by my heart. I won't lie I use to like her company when I was out of prison, she was the one that didn't look at me with pity, like the other Raizada's. She was cool. "Hello,can I call you uncle Chandra." She didn't wait for his response and immediately called him and kissed his cheeks and run away giggling that made him smile genuinely for the first time.

I was just taking information from that witch, I wanted her to spill the beans about Sheetal's doing so I lured her with me my looks and told her I love her and I didn't realize the little snooper heard my conversation.

Sheetal is a very disposable lady, she is the wise woman between those three. She hired that Jeet girl to befriend khushi, it turns out Jeet is her step sister who is evil just like her and that other lady, she disgust me. I can't even mention her name with my mouth. She was Aya's best friend not knowing she was being planted by Shyam. She slept with him and gives him information about the Gupta's and me.

The last information I do not want to say it. If Maya finds out, she would be totally broken. I don't want a broken Maya , I want a stubborn Maya.

Next Morning

"Are you sure you want to get revenge?" Arnav asked khushi and she nodded.

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