Tattles and teasing

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"Well... That went better than expected." The brunette who was quite comfortably wrapped in his husbands to be arms, chuckled lightly.

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to prove yourself. Maa, why don't I ever listen to you? We should have stayed at home." Naruto groaned as he pulled the slighter male closer to his chest, burying his nose into soft brown hair. 'He smells like citrus. And... What's that? Is that... Me?'

"I don't know what your complaining about. Hiashi obviously likes you more than he did when he first met Kiba. Besides, I doubt we'll see him much now that you've met him." Neji mumbled as he closed his eyes and drifts into a light sleep.

"Ng naruto wake up! Someone is at the door." Neji yawned as he lazily jabbed his blonde lover in his side's causing the Uzumaki to roll over onto the smaller male squashing him slightly.

"Nejiiii~ Why can't you do it?" Naruto whined into long brown hair. Sadly though, the larger male didn't receive a response but was rather pushed roughly onto the cold bedroom floor by the love of his life.

"That's BECAUSE I do not want people to see me in nothing but your oversized shirt! Besides your up now." The brunette smiled sweetly before leaning over the side of the double bed giving his blonde a quick peck on the lips.

Kissing back quickly, naruto pushed himself off the floor and jogged down the hallway grumbling to himself about beautiful moody boyfriends stealing your clothes before throwing open the front door startling the other person behind the piece of wood. "Nice to see you back in the world of the living Dobe. I'm sure not even the Hyuga can tire you out that much?" Uchiha Sasuke smirked slightly when his best friend blushed beet red before attempting to hit the raven round the head.

"Watch it teme! I wouldn't go running your mouth. Besides, at least I don't get attacked every morning by a hormonal boyfriend. Anyway what did you wake me up for?" Naruto huffed crossing his arms angrily.

Scowling, Sasuke ran a pale hand through his spiky raven hair sighing. "Well Tsunade has a mission for team seven. But since Kakashi is on medical leave, Yamato will be covering for him instead."

"Oh? I kinda feel sorry for Kakashi-sensei. I don't even want to imagine those cravings or hormonal out breaks. Then again, it's your fault for mating like rabbits neh teme?" The Bijuu container quickly dodged the fist that was aiming for his nose with a laugh.

"Will you shut up before the Hyuga has to bury your cremated corpse! Just get your arse up and dressed. Tsunade wants all at her office in twenty minutes." Sasuke turned to leave as he heard a un-dignified snort before he looked over his shoulder with a glare.

"And don't be late."

{Sorry for the late update and I'm also sorry for the short chapter. I'm kinda going through a writer's block at the moment. But bam! Sasuke has appeared! I will update faster next time I'm sorry!}

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