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"I don't want to go." The petite brunette said in his superior voice while giving off his most famous Hyuga glare of death. Which is the only glare that could rival the Uchiha's.

         "Baby come on. Don't be like that. I'm sure Hiashi will be fine. He'll love me!" The blonde exclaimed and puffed out his chest for effect causing the Hyuga's glare to falter. Neji's facial expression soffened and grasped his larger hand in his with a small smile.

         "I know. Just... Don't go and blurt anything private out okay? Uncle has a tendency of asking rather... Personal things. You should have seen Kiba's face when Hiashi-sama asked if he was using protection! He looked ready to faint he was so pale!" At this the couple laughed and squeezed each others hands reassuringly.

      "Okay. You ready to go? We need to be there in fifteen minutes." The blonde grinned as he slowly started to tug the brunette out of the door not even waiting for a reply to his own question.

     "Oi Baka! Slow down my arse hurts!" Neji whined as he limped across the apartment complex just behind his boyfriend. Stopping suddenly, the Hyuga pulled the Uzumaki back a little until they stood face to face (well as close to it with Neji's height difference) as he wrapped his arms around the blondes chest and snuggled his head in the crook of the others neck. "Y-you do know that I Love you right? So much. P-please. No matter what Hiashi says or does tonight, please don't leave me." Naruto's eyes widened as he also wrapped his arms around his boyfriends small shoulders before feeling something wet soak through his shirt.

    Lifting the others head up naruto deeply looked into teary, pearly white eyes and wiped them softly. "Baby don't say things like that. I will never leave you. Ever. I love you too much. You know... I was going to ask for your uncles approval first but..."

     Hearing this Neji raised a slender brow to which naruto grinned sheepishly before releasing his boyfriend rather reluctantly and stuck his hand in his pocket pulling a small box out and bent down on one knee causing the long haired brunette to gasp loudly. "I was also hoping to make this more romantic but what can I do? Neji I love you so so much. Will you do me the honour in marrying me? You make me the happiest man everyday just by standing by me and putting up with my stupidity. I've always grew up with hatred and never thought someone was capable of loving me or even the other way round. But of course it was your smart arse again who proved me wrong again and again. You have always loved me for the person I am. Kyuubi and all. And I would be stupid to say that even the stupid Fox hasn't got a little attached to you. So please. Marry me?"

       If someone were to ask the brunette when he has started crying again he honestly couldn't give you and answer. The love of his life just proposed to him! If someone told him six years ago that Uzumaki Naruto would ask to marry the Hyuga many would have laughed. Not just because many didn't like the blonde but because Neji was so stuck up they thought he would be alone forever.

     Shaking his head slightly the Hyuga tried to hide a choked sob as he quickly lent down and covered the space between the two in a passionate kiss. "Yes yes yes! God yes! I love you so much I honestly don't know what I'd do without you! Yes I'll marry you. Baka you never had to ask! You know I'd say yes!!" Smiling widely Naruto threw his arms around Neji's petite waist, picking him up while spinning him around giving him a few more chaste kisses before setting him down on his feet opening the small box revealing a small golden ring with a small ruby in the centre with smaller pure white diamonds covering the edges.

     "It was my mother's. Tsunade-baa-chan recovered it the day I was born and gave it to me so when the time came I could make it as special as I could as long as I gave it to the right person. I definitely gave it to the right person nej." He whispered. Just as he finished his speech naruto slowly slid the ring on Neji's finger with a small smile and tears in his eyes. God he never knew he could be so happy.

     Just as Neji was about to lean in for another kiss they heard distinctive shouting. " Oi Neji! Naruto!!! What's taking you guys so long?! Dinner is almost done!" The dog lover moaned before stopping in front of the newly engaged couple.

     "Hey you bastard you really know how to ruin the moment you know that? He said yes!!!" Naruto yelled back before kissing Neji once again not caring about Kiba. While honestly Neji didn't care about the Inuzaka either and happily kissed back before breaking the kiss once again and chancing a glance at their friend. Who of which was glued to the spot with a blush dusting his cheeks before smirking.

      "Its about time too. Congratulations I guess. Now it's my turn to laugh when you tell Hiashi that you want to marry his ONLY nephew."

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