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'Oh no. This was a bad idea...' Neji instantly glued himself to his lovers side as he walked into the shared home of Uchiha Sasuke and as previously known, Hatake Kakashi. The usually plain (but rather homely) building looked like an rainbow exploded within the premises, with multi-coloured 'Congratulations your having a baby!' signs everywhere.  Scanning his pale eye's around the room he found a very pregnant silver haired man who looked like he was forced into this as much as he was. 

Walking over to said man, Neji softly sad beside him with a sigh. With as delicately raised eye brow Kakashi turned to the younger male. "Ah, well... Since Sasuke wont let me outside the house I haven't really been able to congratulate you properly. Congratulations I guess. Welcome to the world of morning sickness, cravings, hormones, swollen ankles and back cramps. You'll also need to pee 15 times a day and near your 6/7 month (depending on the person) you will be waddling around like a duck." The young brunette couldn't help but chuckle. Even for the great copy nin, pregnancy isn't some walk (or waddle in his case) in the park. 

"It sounds positively exhausting. However, I'm not sure about Sasuke, but I'm sure when craving's do arrive Naruto will be spending more time running to the shops than going on missions." Kakashi gave a slight grin and the soon to be Uzumaki couldn't help but smile back. It was true, before he started to date Naruto, Neji didn't really know anything about the silver haired man other than he was his sensei's best-friend. But he was glad he got to know the other better. He could honestly say the older man has become one of his closest friends. 

Kakashi was about to reply when several high pitched squeals were heard from the doorway. The two pregnant men looked up towards the noise in alarm as they saw two blondes, a pinkette,a brunette and a bluenette happily ran into the room. The pinkette (also known as Sakura) ran to her Sensei first and hugged him as tight as she could without squishing 'bump' as she liked to call it. "Wow Kakashi-sensei! You look like your ready to pop! Not long now right? Have you and Sasuke thought of any names yet? Do you even know what gender the baby is?" Kakashi groaned as his mind tried to process the many questions that was thrown at him. Neji however, seemed to be having similar problems himself. 

"Uh, no. We don't know the gender of the baby. We do have a few names though. Kotomi for a girl and possibly Kazuki for a boy. But yes,  not long now..." Kakashi trailed off and subconsciously rested a hand on his stomach. He wouldn't be the first to admit that he was terrified of the idea of giving birth, the copy-nin was forced to talk to a few mothers and he had no doubt giving birth would be a living nightmare. 

Kakashi looked over his past student's shoulder to see Sasuke standing in the doorway looking at him with a small smile. With a pout the pale haired man beckoned his lover over as he tried (and failed) to raise himself off of the sofa. As the raven reached the other side of the room he helped his very pregnant lover up before wrapping an arm around his waist while resting his other hand on top of the others bump with a small smile. "We decided to go the suprise route thi-" When the raven didn't continue his sentence Sakura looked at her team mate in concern.

Sasuke's gaze turned from warm to his cold glare in seconds as he unconsciously reached for his kunai while keeping Kakashi close to his body. Neji must have sensed something off too because he wearily raised himself off of the sofa and made his way next to Naruto before activating his Byakugan. "They're here... I didn't expect them to actually invade the village. Neji, how many are there?"

The shorter Hyuga's eyes widened slightly before taking a step backwards before his face hardened. "Seventeen... Mostly Jounin, maybe five Chunin at most. Sasuke, what are they doing here? What do they want?  I'm assuming you and Naruto know the answer."

Naruto grimaced as he eyed his teammates before pulling his lover next to his ex-sensei. "They want Kakashi and the baby. Remember when me and the rest of team seven was called into the Hokage's office? Our mission was to protect him because they pose a threat. Naruto, Sakura, I want your help from the outside. Ino, Temari, Tenten and Hinata I would like you to stay here and protect Kakashi and Neji from the inside. If they find out Neji is also with child he maybe be in danger too... We will try and lead them away from the village. Kakashi, I'm sorry I should have told you." 

Kakashi looked at his lover in alarm then back to the now slightly taller blonde haired man. Said man nodded his head seriously before focusing his attention to the dark haired Uchiha. "Don't worry, we wont let anything happen to you guys, I promise." That being said, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura quickly departed the building leaving six rather tense ninja behind. 

(I know this chapter sucks so much. I can't write action scenes to save my life but this will have to do for the time being. The next chapter should be in more detail!)

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