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"I can't believe you pulled that stunt Naruto! Anyone could have seen us!  Didn't you see the looks on the villagers faces?!" Neji yelled as he paced around the living room. The Hyuga knew he shouldn't be angry at his blonde but what is Hiashi or another Hyuga elder saw them? Personally, he didn't want his seal used against him.

        But one look at his lovers face made his heart break. Now it was Neji's turn to feel guilty. Walking over to the future Hokage the smaller brunette Sat on his lap and ran his fingers through the soft blonde locks making the other shiver. "Naruto I'm sorry. I was just a little suprised that's all. P-please dont be sad. I love you Naruto." He spoke softly then gave a small kiss on his lovers cheek. After receiving no reply the Hyuga sighed and was about to stand when he was suddenly pushed onto the sofa with a girly yelp and his boyfriends lips upon his own.

         Unable to resist the second time, Neji slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. After what already happened earlier that day giving into the man he loved wasn't such a bad thing.

        With a playful smile, Uzumaki Naruto slipped his strong arms around the Hyuga's small waist and pulled the pale eyed beauty onto his lap pulling him close before kissing him again. "Changed your opinion fast eh Neji?" The blonde cooed as they parted for a second time.

       Blushing deeply, the Hyuga simply nodded and was about to kiss his blonde again when he felt a familiar chakra approaching the apartment. Groaning, Neji pulled away and stood shakily before making his way towards the door and opening it.

     Not wanting to be disturbed the Hyuga's eyes visibly twitched when the unexpected guest walked through the door straight into the living room. "Inuzaka... What do we owe for such an unexpected visit?" Sure Neji has more respect for the man after he stood up to his uncle but it didn't mean said man didn't irritate him.

      "Ah, well you see... Me and Hinata were invited to the compound for dinner tonight and I just ran into Hiashi. He well. Basically he wants you and Naruto to come too. So he can be 'introduced' to him properly."

      Hearing this the Hyuga physically facepalmed while sighing loudly. "Of course he did. He- He didn't say anything else did he?" Neji asked as his pale hand slipped from his face back by his side while looking intently into the dog lovers deep brown eyes.

       The larger brunette seemed to think for a while before addressing the other petite Hyuga back. " No not really. Other than saying that even Hinata is taller than you now and you need to eat some more. Which I have to agree with but!... That's about it really."

        Glaring intently at Kiba, Neji was about to reply before his boyfriend butted in. "Neji eats plenty actually he just trains that much he doesn't put on any bloody weight. Which is ludicrous. As for dinner tell him we'd love to. I'm guessing Neji already knows what time to be there by since he's lived there till he was 17."

      Slightly astonished with his friends wider range of vocabulary the Inuzaka nodded slowly before backing up to the door. "I think you've been around the Hyuga's too much mate. Your going posh. I better go Hinata is in the market probably with a little too much shopping. See you guys later!" And with that the grinning brunnette bolted out of the house leaving a smirking blonde and midly annoyed Hyuga behind.

     "Sooo... Shall we carry on from where we left off?"

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