Bringing you home

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This is my first NaruNeji fic so please go easy on me xD Also I attempted to write Lemon (In future chapters!). You have been warned!!! Also first multi-chaptered fic! Enjoy!!

It was late afternoon when a certain brunette was last seen pacing around the Hyuga compound. The young Hyuga's brows was furrowed tightly together as almost like he was thinking too hard. Truth betold he was PETRIFIED because earlier that day his uncle had asked no, rather demanded to be formally introduced to his partner/lover. 'Which of course had to be that blonde idiot.' Neji thought sarcastically.

Deciding he had done enough visiting for one day the Bakgugan user started to make his way back to the apartment he shared with said blonde idiot. As he walked back to the shared apartment Neji had enough time to think through a few things that may occure in the next day or two. What if Hiashi didn't like Naruto? Or didn't even approve of their relationship? Or worse... What if he banned him from seeing Naruto altogether? Sure, the guy was an idiot but he was his idiot and he loved him. 'No Neji. Relax, your overthinking. Uncle only wants to meet him. What could go wrong?' The long haired male thought to himself before physically facepalming.

A LOT could go wrong with Hiashi meeting your lover. Then the young Hyuga thought of what had happened to his cousin Hinata's relationship with Kiba had went through. If it wasn't for Kiba's presistance and his and Hinata's loyalty they both would have been seperated (though the proposal from Kiba was a smart move.) 'Though I must say Uncle wasn't very happy with that at all.' Neji chuckled at the thought as he remembered his Uncles face when the Inuzaka had asked his oldest for her hand in marriage. He could have exploded there and then!

"Nejiiiiiiiii!!!" The Hyuga prodigy automatically turned at his lovers voice as he spotted the sqwealing blonde running towards him at an un-human speed. Before the smaller brunette had time to open his mouth his idiotic boyfriend hadn't managed to slow down while knocking them both to the ground in the process.

"B-BAKA! G-Get o-o-ff of me!" Neji brought his hands up on the blondes chest as he tried to push le boyfriend off of himself. 'God he's soo heavy!' With a shocked expression written on his face Naruto looked down at his VERY pink boyfriend before smirking very slightly.

"W-What's t-t-that look f-for?!" Neji cursed himself for sounding so pathetic at his boyfriends touch, (Touch, voice, EVERYTHING! Even his god damn breath against his skin.) Though of course Naruto being the very person he is, was oblivious to his boyfriends demand (Though it sounded more like a plea) and did the complete opposit and leaned further into the petite brunette and kissed him.

I'm just going to leave this here. Bad first chapter I know but the next one will be better! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chappie :D

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