A Concerned Hokage

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"Alright team seven I have a new mission for you. As it shouldnt lead you outside the village borders so I am unable to give a proper ranking so for the time being it's a rank B." The blonde Hokage explained slowly as she took in the expressions of the jounin in front of her.

"Tsunade-baa-chan within the village how come it's a B rank?" The blonde Uzumaki asked curiously. Tsunade pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance as she gave him a warning glare.

"Its because brat, it is a guarding mission. How should I put this... Due to Kakashi's ah 'delicate condition' it has brought some unwanted attention towards himself. There are a few enemies who would like to get their hands on either Kakashi himself or the child he is carrying. The reason being is, the brat himself is a prodigy, genius and an extremely strong Shinobi. Also because there is a high chance the child will be born with the sharingan and since the child will have two very strong fathers I am sure if trained correctly the child could become the perfect 'weapon'." Hearing this the other father winced noticeably but said nothing as he waited for further information about the mission.

"Think of this as long term. All of you will be protecting him throughout the pregnancy but if any of this is mentioned outside this room it will spread like a wildfire which will also cause the whole village to panic. Also Yamato, I know you are close to Kakashi but do not mention any of this to him. Do you guys understand?"

All five heads nodded stiffly but before they could be dismissed Sasuke spoke up for the first time during the mission briefing. "If they shall decide to attack... How will we recognize them?"

At this Tsunade's gaze considerably darkened. "We are not one-hundered per cent sure but we have suspicions that they are missing-nins from the land of grass..."


After being dismissed, team seven walked out of the Hokage tower with a thick air around them. So much so that the bystanders around the area cautiously made their way elsewhere. Naruto pursed his lips in annoyance as he thought of ways to keep his ex-sensei safe. Shaking his head lightly he looked up at his best friend who had a distant look in his eyes.

Placing a hand on the Uchiha's shoulder, the blonde Uzumaki squeezed slightly before speaking up. "Don't worry we'll protect him. We've always managed that haven't we? Protecting those closest to us? Tsunade-baa-chan maybe a gambler but she always chooses the right team for a mission! I won't let anything happen because that is my ninja way dattebayo!" Sasuke raised his head slightly to look into the eyes of his closest friend and actually smiled.

Patting Naruto's hand Sasuke turned on his heels and started to make his way home. "Thank you. It's nice to have friends like you guys."


Once Sasuke left the rest of team seven bid their goodbyes and made their way home. Naruto opened the door to this apartment to hear gagging coming from the bathroom.

Setting his keys on the coffee table, the large blonde rushed into the bathroom to see his lover throwing up in the toilet. Sighing naruto crouched down behind Neji and pulled long brown strands out of the Hyuga's face until his gags subsided.

Helping his smaller lover up Naruto placed a small kiss to the nape of the brunettes neck but proceeded to carefully nudge the silent Hyuga to the sink. Getting the message Neji grasped his toothbrush and shakily squirted some toothpaste onto the toothbrush and started to clean his teeth.

Once done he squeaked when naruto easily picked him up bridal style and placed his fiancée delicately onto their shared bed. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you going to continue to give me the silent treatment?"

Blushing, Neji turned his eyes to the wooden floorboards and mumbled something incoherently - that damn fox -. "I didn't quite catch that hun." Hearing the pet name the smaller man scowled and pinched Naruto's arm.

Looking up with the little confidence he had, he took a deep calming breath before replying. "I-I think I'm pregnant..."

Sorry for the late updates. Having really bad writers block. Also cliff hanger! Kinda... But yes Neji's pregnant. It was an request and I've never had one before so how could I refuse? ^^

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