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     "Right before you go in there do you promise you won't say or do anything stupid? I mean... The engagement. Uhm... We will find a way to tell him together okay? I love you naruto."

     Smiling, the blond leant down and places a soft kiss on the Hyuga's lips before opening the main door to the compound meeting face to face with a slightly annoyed Hyuga clan head. "Sorry were late! I'm Uzumaki Naruto." The younger blond bowed slightly for respect as Hiashi too bowed for Naruto.

      "Its nice to finally meet you Uzumaki-kun. Dinner will be served shortly. If you two would like to follow me..." And with that Hiashi started walking down the hallway expecting the couple to follow which they did.

      When the three walked into the dining room there was a thick silence. You could tell Hinata and Kiba were uncomfortable. Sitting around the table was Kiba, Hinata and Hanabi on the left, Neji, Naruto and Hiashi's wife while at the head of the table sat Hyuga Hiashi himself. 

     "So Neji... How is ANBU working out for you?" Hiashi casually asked. Hearing his uncle's voice the younger brunettes head snapped up to meet his uncle's patronising gaze.

    "It is fine uncle. Please accept my apologies but I am unable to reveal much in my line of work since I am under oath to the Hokage, but I am doing well. They are considering choosing me for team leader as there will be new members joining shortly."

      Hiashi gave a small smile and nod in his nephews direction before turning his suddenly stern gaze onto Naruto making said blonde stiffen. "May I ask what you see in my nephew and your future plans? I am starting to worry if he'll ever marry."

       Gulping, the future Hokage gave a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his neck. "Well... He's beautiful for a start, strong... Body and mind, hard headed but has soft spots in all the right places and the most important really I love him. About the marrying thing I-" Naruto stopped his little speach and chanced a look at his fiancee who of which blushed slightly and gave a small nod.

     "Well I've... Uhm... Asked him to marry me today actually and he said yes." If the expression on Hiashi's face was anything to go by, the man was beyond furious. It was probably due to the fact the blonde never even asked him for permission. But it was more of that Neji couldn't even tell the hyuga elder himself.

    But putting all of that behind him, Hiashi's smiled a little thinking of what Hizashi would have been like if his twin was still alive. "Neji I am happy that you have found someone that you are willing to spend your life with but you Uzumaki... Don't think that I am going to go easy on you. You are going to have to prove yourself to me or I will not accept this. Do you understand?"

    Gulping all the blonde could so his nodded stiffly while holding Neji's hand tightly. "I-I understand Hyuga-sama."

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