Untitled Part 7

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"Y-Your pregnant?" Naruto gazed into the nervous eyes of his lover to his currently flat abdomen then back up to his eyes. Neji fidgeted on the bed and gave a short nod. The blue eyed male crouched down next to the brunette and pulled him into a tight hug as his face broke out into a huge grin.
      "So, I'm going to be a dad?" Neji could hear the glee in his lovers voice as he shakily returned the hug nodding viciously as a tear ran down his face. Pulling away the Uzumaki gently stroked the soft pale skin of his lovers cheek, smudging the tear. Leaning in slightly Naruto pressed his lips to the brunette's while cradling Neji's head.
      The small Hyuga pulled away and looked up at the blonde with a choked sob. "I don't know why I was so afraid to tell you. Gosh, I'm not even that far along and my hormones are already through the roof. I apologize in advance." Slipping off of the bed the pregnant male pulled the larger of the two up and out of the bedroom into the hallway with a mischievous grin. "Where are we going?"
      The brunette looked up into the deep blue eyes innocently as he tugged on his coat as it was it was currently winter in Konoha. "Hm? No where special. I just, uh... I promised Tsunade-sama that when I told you I was pregnant that I'd drag you down the hospital for my first scan." Naruto tilted his head slightly letting his lovers words sink in.
      "Neji... How long has it been since you found out and never told me?" Grimacing slightly neji turned his head and bit his lip guiltily. He didn't mean to keep it to himself so long he was just afraid. Especially after hearing how others have reacted to male pregnancies. Especially Kakashi-san's. 
     "I-i didn't mean to keep it from you so long... It's just, it's a scary thing you know? I-I'm almost ten weeks." Neji turned away from the others gaze and tucked his keys away in his pocket. The brunette almost jumped out of his skin when he felt strong arms wrap around his waist and large hands placed on his stomach lovingly.
     Naruto placed a kiss on his lovers cheek, then moved down to his neck and finally gave one last kiss before burying his face in long chocolate coloured tresses. "I'm not angry. I understand that your scared especially after what's happened but I promise, I'll always be there for you."
      Neji turned around and snuggled his head in the others chest with a smile. "Thank you Naruto."


Sasuke sighed as he pulled off his sandals and made his way into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, the raven pulled out two bottles of water and softy padded down the hallway to his bedroom where he knew he'd find his lover.
     Unsurprisingly, he found the silver haired man rather graciously sprawled across the double bed fast asleep. Chuckling to himself, Sasuke placed the two water bottles down on the bedside cabinet and sat down on the end of the mattress making it dip slightly.
     The Uchiha ran a hand through Kakashi's spikey hair gently and placed a soft kiss on his un-masked lips while his other hand trailed down onto the others now pruding stomach.
     Sitting up Sasuke bit his lips in frustration and worry. It's not like he was going to let them take Kakashi, but what if something happened when he wasn't there? Sure, there is the rest of team seven and Yamato but it just didn't sit right.
    The ravens gloomy mood must have shifted something in the air because it had Kakashi groaning then trying to sit up. Smiling softly Sasuke wrapped an arm around the silverettes waist and the other around his legs and sat him up straight against the bed post.
     Yawning, Kakashi stared at his lover with his good eye with a questioning gaze. "Why so gloomy Mr angsty pants?" Grinning Kakashi shifted on the mattress to get into a more comfortable possition for his aching back.
     "Kakashi? You know I'll always protect you right?" The Jounin frowned and lay his head on the others shoulder and pursed his lips.
      "Of course I do." Kakashi shifted again before leaning in and kissing his Uchiha on the lips before Sasuke moved the silver haired man until he was leaning on his chest. Said man decided to let it go this time but made a mental note to ask what's going on later. But for now Kakashi was content just to lay with his lover as Sasuke rubbed small circles on his bump.

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