Untitled Part 10

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Warning: Mentions of torture and rape.

Neji stared at the spot where the copy-cat nin previously stood before refocusing on the rouge ninja in front of him. The brunette pulled a kunai free from his pouch as he shifted into a defensive stance, narrowing his pale eyes. "If you want me, come and get me." The masked man let out a menacing laugh before pulling chakra into his feet and bolting across the small living room floor. Before he could react Neji was pulled into a tight hold, both his arms pinned behind his back before both his hands tied with chakra enforced wire.

The young Hyuga struggled in the other mans grasp, trying and failing to pull his hands free from his bonds. "Let me go you coward!" Neji snarled as he shoved his elbow into his attackers ribs. The taller man grunted in pain but his grip on the other didn't falter. Growing agitated the rouge ninja growled as he ripped off his mask revealing tan but scarred skin and cold mismatched eyes. Neji gulped nervously as he took in the rouges rough appearance, trying desperately to come up with an escape plan. As if reading his thoughts the older man simply chuckled in his ear, his breath revoltingly warm on his pale skin.

"You poor, poor little Hyuga. Thinking you could escape? In your condition? Please. If you think that demon will save you now then you're even more of an idiot than he is. If you tell me how to get Kakashi then I wont hurt you or your brat. Now tell me where. he. is." His tone is harsh, words dripping with venom and all Neji could do is bite his lip glaring at the other.

When the brunette doesn't respond the captain gabbed a fist full of long brunette hair and tugged until both of their faces were level with each other. "I won't ask you again. How. Do. I. Get. The. Hatake?" His voice was underlined with a threat that sent a jolt of terror down the Hyuga's spine.

Neji pulled in a deep breath, putting on a mask of indifference as he locked eyes with his captor. "Even if I told you, which I wont, you won't be able to get to him." The Hyuga felt Naruto's chakra spike. Feeling rage boiling over the surface of his partner his captor lost focus on the brunette for a split second.

That second was enough for Neji to twist in his captors hold sharply and to aim a direct kick into the other mans groin, sending him into a pained crouch. Without a moments hesitation the young Hyuga leapt  across the room bolting towards the apartments front door, arms still securely tied behind his back. Upon reaching the other side of the apartment Neji was firmly grabbed  by his shoulder and thrown into the opposite wall causing him to grunt in pain.

"I have just about had enough of you! I'm going to enjoy breaking you. I'll let my men have their way with you, they like ruining the pretty ones. Get them to pull your precious Byakugan from their sockets, maybe I will keep you alive and fed just to watch that brat grow enough before ripping it out of you. Before this is over you're going to beg for death and I will love every moment of it." The man grinned brutally, showing off his stained yellow teeth as he yanked Neji's head forward into a rough kiss. 

The brunette bit the others tongue in retaliation, blood filling his mouth. Letting out a howl his captor spat out the blood from his mouth than grabbed Neji's throat, cutting off his air supply. "Now, I have given you every opportunity to cooperate and despite your 'delicate' condition you still refuse? You'll regret that." Neji struggled weakly as the enemies grip on his throat tightened. Spots started to fill his vision just as the front door was smashed open, the last thing Neji saw was a bright orange blob before his vision went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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