Dan and ohil go swimming qt the beach

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One evening dan and phil were going to the beach. Theystarted walking and seen the among us stickers on the poles. "Hahah sus!" Dan said, tears coming out of his eyes.

Phil was v excited to go to the beach. He had his swim shirt and his bright red swimming trunks. Dan had his lime green bikini on.

They got to the beach and phil tan right out to the sea. He took off his airforce 1s and socks. And he ran into the water "dan it so cold come in" Dan was still laughing about the sus among us stickers. He took of his demonias and went in after phil.

They were swimming around splashing eachother when they heard someone clearing their throat. Dan looked up.. it was..... a Ukrainian jellyfish from Cher noble! "Hello boys" they turned around to see it. It was translucent brown and green and their was visible radiation coming off it. "Uhm hello?" Phil said

"I am a Ukrainian jellyfish from Cher noble, you do realise this water is polluted and you will most definitely grow a third leg" the jelly fish spoke "oh sorry we didn't realise" dan apologised. Then the Ukrainian jelly fish stung Phil!!! He started to swim back to chernoble while Phil was screaming in pain.

"OWWWWWW DAN HELP" Phil cried out. "Don't worry phil" dan said picking him up bridal style. He could see a third leg starting to grow where the Ukrainian jellyfish had stung him. It was glowing green. "Phil you know what I have to do" dan said setting him down on the sand beside their shoes. "I-I have to piss on you" dan said. "PLEASE DAN ANUTHINH WILL HELP WITJ THE PAIN" Phil screamed.

Dan started weeing on phil and he stopped glowing.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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