dan and phil adopt a furby

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1 day da n and phil were Wanting to adopt a child but the orphanage said no so they went to a charity shop

Omg dan!! Phil said in happiness a furby!! We need to get it

Great idea phil:) dan said they went up to the toll and the lady gave then it for 2 euro

Im so happy we got a kid dan phil said
Me too said Dan

Them they went in to another charity shop

Omg phil look what I found!!!! Dan said excitedly the whole furby collection!!!

Omg we have to get them phil said 

In the box it said every single furby ever created

The brought the big large box up to the till and the price was only 50 cent!!!!

Wow what a deal

They brought all the furby children home

Let's make a video whit are new kids!!Dan said

They made a 10 hour video showing every single furby

Part 2 coming soon

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