the twig fic

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Dan was eating a twig
Phil was eating a leaf
They had ran out of money
So they were eating anything they could find
They got kicked out of their apartment
Because they couldnt pay the rent

*crunch* "mhm that was one crunchy twig" dan said
"It made a very loud crunch" phil said
The leaf slid down phils throat
"Slimy" he said

Then dan reached into his pocket
He pulled out some crunchy, black slime
He started to poke it
"So pokeble" he said

Then phil whipped out a figet spinner
He started to spin it
He spinned it faster then anyone else
"World record!" He shouted

Dan went over to a nearby bush
He went inside the bush
"Phil come in the bush!"

Phil ran inside the bush
"Why are we in a bush?" He asked dan

"I found a doll" said dan
Dan pulled up a doll
The doll looked like she had been through alot
Her name was trisha/trish (photo above)

Phil looked at the doll
"I love her"
Phil took the doll out of dans hands

They went out of the bush
Dans tummy growled
"Im hungry"
He took trish out of phils hands and began to ear her

"DAN NO YOU CANT EAT TRISH" phil screamed

Phil got cut off by dan who put his finger up to phils lips
"Shhh bby dw its you next"
Dan let out an evil laugh
He began to chomp down on phil.

"Im full now" dan said patting his tummy

Phil woke up in a cold sweat
"D-dan y-you ate t-t-trish"
"Silly philly it was only a dream"
Dan winked and pulled out trish.

A/N i honestly have no idea what this is, why did i write it

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